Monday 31 May 2021

I wasn't prepared for this

Sorry for stealing your line, Twilight! But I am genuinely startled that On the Wrong Track has been so much read. With 751 views at the time of going to press, it's my third most read fic in the last five years, with only The Book of Ended Lives and the inevitable Starlight Repeatedly Teleports into Custard beating it on that score. Yes, OtWT got featured, but I'm also surprised a Feature Box entry has that much influence in 2021.

Not that I'm complaining! It's nice that a reasonable number of people still want to read my stories, and what's particularly gratifying is that I've seen interest shown in some of my older and – frankly – better fics, too. No, 751 views isn't much in the great scheme of things, but every little helps in actually getting me to write something else before another two years have gone by. With enough practice the rusty patches may eventually start shining up a bit, too.