Thursday 20 May 2021

Happy 10th birthday, "Luna"!

Another of the very early fandom classics to have endured turns ten years old today! Eurobeat Brony's "Luna" was first uploaded to YouTube in May 2011. There are two versions, with "NIGHTMARE MODE" pre-dating "DREAM MODE" by a single day. In fact, the two versions are identical for most of their running time, with the Nightmare version simply having a different ending. Personally I prefer the Dream one, but I have to go with Nightmare today as it did get uploaded first!

It's worth noting that, despite what is sometimes suggested, we are not hearing Luna (or indeed Celestia) in this song, but someone else. From the video description: "The lyrics are sung from the perspective of a third-party character who is undergoing a similar situation to Luna during her banishment to the moon. It is neither Luna nor Celestia singing this song."


  1. Replies
    1. Yep. I may well do a few more of these anniversary posts. Actually, there's one coming tomorrow, though it's actually late. A reasonably well known track that was released before this, but where the current YT video is from much later so I missed the birthday. :P
