Sunday 13 February 2022

The Cloptimist calls it a day

Edit: As The Cloptimist clarifies in the comments here, he is calling it a day with Fimfiction specifically, not the fandom as a whole.

This came completely out of the blue to me, though maybe others who actually notice things realised it was coming. Or not; who knows? But anyway, The Cloptimist has posted that he's "done with Fimfiction" – although he is leaving his stories up. I'm very grateful for that latter decision, as TC has given us all some very good stuff in the brief time (three years) he's been on Fimfiction. It's been good to have someone joining the ponyfic game so late who can write so well.

TC's goodbye post itself is terse, but there's a small addition in this comment. It's not for me to comment on the reasons as they're not my business. All I will say to the guy is that if you happen to be reading this post at any point, I hope most sincerely that you find more happiness in wherever you go next. If your path ever leads you back this way, then the door here will always be open. If not, then you have my good wishes and it's a case of so long, and thanks for all the fics.


  1. And this coming just after Pascoite did a spotlight on him, too. :(

    1. Did he? I'm assuming it's gone again. I didn't read it, anyway. As I said, I don't feel it right to go speculating about TC's reasons, but I am sorry to lose him from the world of ponyfic.

  2. ... I'm not dead! I just wanted to leave *Fimfiction*, not the fandom in general, and go back to being someone who just really enjoys the show and its trappings, but doesn't make any more cackhanded attempts at adding to it creatively. I still want to stick around here, if you'll have me! And thank you for the kind words, I don't feel like anything I've done either while writing or leaving merits them.

    1. Just wanted to say I'll be immensely glad to still have you here! Whenever you pop up to give your take on an episode or whatever, it's always refreshing and honest and sincere in a way I often find lacking from most of the rest of us. Hope that doesn't mean I'm getting too jaded!

      But whether your take on anything MLP is just yours or includes how your kids reacted to it (which is another gift), I've always loved them. I hope you'll continue to pop in whenever you can, buddy. And especially for the forthcoming G5 content, that should be a treat!

    2. @The Cloptimist: You are always very welcome here! I'm happy that you want to stick around, and I really hope you will be happier now. I can't control whether you think my kind words were merited, but I can promise you that they were sincere.

    3. Well, we still think you're cool. :) And I greatly appreciate that didn't take your stories down, thank you.

    4. For what it's worth, not many fics make it onto my Favorites shelf (the equivalent of a four-star review), but your Away is there. I certainly can't fault you for wanting to rekindle your appreciation for the show by getting away from fandom bullshit though.

      Nice to know you're still going to be around in some capacity.
