Friday 25 February 2022

Happy 10th, "The Moon Rises"!

It's probably fair to say that ponyphonic is one of the most consistently reliable MLP songsmiths. "The Moon Rises" is one of his best and most enduring classics, and it went up on YouTube ten years ago this very day! Sung from Luna's perspective as she approaches the fateful moment when she becomes Nightmare Moon, this is a dramatic and gripping portrait of a pony becoming increasingly bitter and angry at not receiving what she perceives as her due in terms of attention. It has a lovely piano underpinning, and though the intro using the show theme may shout, "Early-fandom song," in this case it doesn't matter. I don't find the use of male vocals for Luna too distracting either, though two extended cover versions by female singers – one sung by EileMonty and one by Kristen Calvin – have strong support as well, and unsurprisingly so. Myself, I slightly prefer ponyphonic's original, but I'll happily listen to all three versions!


  1. I honestly still think this is the best piece of fan music made for MLP.

    1. I don't know what I'd choose, but I can't say your choice is a bad one.
