Tuesday 18 January 2022

UK PonyCon 2022 theme announced

This actually happened a couple of days ago, but it's taken me until now to get round to posting about it! Good job I don't try to be a news site. ;) Anyway, the theme has been announced as Gothic. I do rather suspect (though I don't know) that the cancelled 2020 in-person UKPC, which was going to be "SpookyCon" (and still was, online) has a bearing. Although this isn't the same as that, there's clearly a fair amount of overlap. Anyway, it all sounds like a fun theme, so I'm happy enough.


  1. I feel fairly certain Dr Kirkland (aka Dr Pony)'s talk on "MLP and the Gothic" at the last UK PonyCon probably helped.

    1. I have had the same thought! So possibly this year's subject (if he attends again) could be a clue to 2023's theme... ;)
