Sunday 27 October 2019

UK PonyCon smashes charity fund-raising record!

This is my 1,500th post here on Louder Yay. I therefore wanted to post something reasonably significant to mark the occasion. As it so happens, UK PonyCon has presented me with a very obvious choice. As announced yesterday, the convention has smashed its all-time record for charity fund-raising. The long-time and excellent beneficiary, the RDA, will receive...
Last year's total – itself a record at the time – was £6,750, so this is a very substantial increase. The largest single component, the Grand Charity Auction, apparently raised £5,834. On top of that were things including the tombola (apparently a smash hit in itself), contest entry fees, HQG1C sales and the donations included in VIP- and Supporter-tier tickets.

I am absolutely delighted about this! The RDA is a wonderful charity which has been really good to UKPC over the years, and I'm so happy that those of us who played any part in this year's convention have contributed to such a wonderful total for such a fine cause.


  1. What's a tombola? All I'm getting in searches is a kind of raffle.

    1. One of these. You buy a set number of tickets, give the (closed) drum a good spin, then pick out the appropriate number of raffle tickets. The UKPC version stuck to tradition, so if your ticket ended with a five or a zero, you won a prize. These ranged from little things like stationery right up to stuff like Build-a-Bear plushies. One of my tickets did actually win (a Sparkle Bright Twilight toy), but I passed it on to someone whose need for Twi stuff was greater than mine. :)

  2. Well, that's just lovely. Thanks for reporting on this, I wouldn't have ever seen it among the finale stuff. Well done, bronies!

    1. We were all delighted. We thought there was a good chance of beating last year's mark -- but not by as much as this! Apparently the tombola alone raised something like £2,000.
