Tuesday 18 June 2024

New story by me: Take a Bow

Actually I published this a few days ago, but I wanted to wait until after the contest it was written for (the Dialogue Only Contest) had passed its closing date and I was therefore definitely not going to edit it any further. Now it has, so:

Take a Bow by Loganberry
Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and OC
G4; Adventure/Drama; 1k words; Teen (Violence)

Fluttershy and Applejack arrive in the nick of time to rescue their friend from a potentially terrible fate. The way it happens might be considered shocking – it certainly startles AJ – but as ever in Equestria there's a story behind it...

An entry for the Dialogue Only Contest.

Yeah, I know it's not a great longdesc, but I'm as rusty on those as I am on various other aspects of ponyfic writing and I was getting close to the deadline. Still, I am mightily relieved to have published my first full-length story since July. I don't intend to leave it another 11 months, as the Thousand Words Contest III is also something I want to enter. As the bottom line of that longdesc suggests, this contest required you to use only dialogue to tell a story. I found it very hard work, but also pretty interesting.


  1. since it's Flutters, it should be 'Take a Bough' (OK I'll show myself out :P )

    1. Heh. Seriously, there's a reason for the title. But spoilers!

  2. I've got to read that story next time I'm on a reading mood, it seems interesting! Maybe I'll even try reviewing your story, the reviewer becoming the reviewee haha

    I originally also wanted to participate in this contest, but I just ended up being stuck with an idea that I couldn't really make work in a dialogue only form sadly. By the time I thought of something else: it was already the 16th , so too late for me unfortunately

    1. The more ponyfic reviewers around the better! It's an acquired taste, but obviously I think it's fun.

      If your idea can be squashed down enough, there's always the Thousand Words Contest III...

  3. I enjoyed it, and it also feeds into my take on Fluttershy's practical side. Win-win!
