Tuesday 4 June 2024

Change of schedule, plus Author Spotlight update

Hello folks. For personal reasons¹ I have been unable to finish up my Ponyfic Roundup post in time to go up tomorrow (Wednesday). As such, I now intend to post that on the 12th and then to return to the usual schedule. I apologise for this but since I was quite possibly going to have a blank week on the 12th anyway, the overall effect will be neutral.
¹ Nothing terrifying, just something extremely time-consuming.

However, I will mention one thing. I've said a couple of times recently that one of the themed posts I will do in the run-up to PR 500 will be an Author Spotlight. I suspect several of you will already have guessed this, especially once I said it was someone who'd done a lot for Fimfiction, but I shall now officially reveal that its subject will be FanOfMostEverything.

I don't yet know exactly which PR it will be, but I expect it to appear in the late 490s. Hopefully that's at least a tasty crumb to be going on with!


  1. Oh. Well then. Consider me equal parts deeply flattered and more than a little concerned. Here's hoping you enjoy the run-up to that particular spotlight!

    1. I think I'll enjoy the reading, indeed. For the sake of unnecessary stats, I've reviewed 13 of your stories and their ratings have worked out at five fours, seven threes and only one two (and that noted as "top-end two"). That's a very solid batting average, so to speak. Also, you're welcome! :)

  2. Ooh! Looking forward to that one!

    1. Me too! (Which is fortunate, I guess...)

  3. Replies
    1. For some reason it took me a minute to realise why you'd written "foamy". On the ball, that's me. :D

  4. FOME! Now I've stopped pubbing silly things, I'd like to do more of theirs - they've just released an interesting sounding one - the villains thing, and they did the Lunch one (which I gave a smol, and FOME's bit was so good!). Looking forward to this!

    (abrony-mouse here)

    1. A lot of FOME stuff is interesting, which means I'm going to have trouble narrowing my choice of fics down to five!
