Monday 3 April 2023

Fifteen Million Little Murders Words

After almost a decade of not doing it, I have finally cobbled together a spreadsheet of all the fics I've reviewed for Ponyfic Roundup. I am not going to post it publicly, for a couple of reasons. One is that if it's just for me, I can make sudden changes and nobody (except possibly me) will complain. Another is that for cross-referencing and cross-linking purposes I need to primarily list authors' usernames as they were when reviewed, and this will mean that writers who've changed names will not have all their fics grouped together.

However, I can tell you a couple of boring stats from the spreadsheet. One is that, at the time of writing, I have reviewed 1,770 fics in the nine(ish) years since I began. And, as the subject line here hints, those fics add up to just a little over 15 million words. There are plenty of people around the fandom who've read more ponyfic than that – but for me I think it's decent going! (If you're mathematically inclined, you'll already have worked out that this means the average length of a reviewed fic is about 8,400 words.)


  1. Well done! :D I could never get a true word count for my reviews, since so many of them have either vanished or weren't on Fimfiction to begin with. Or I didn't finish them because too long. :B

    1. Thanks! My word count isn't precise, since deleted fics are rounded down to the nearest 1k and the (very few) non-Fimfiction fics I've reviewed go on what MoonReader or LibreOffice says. But it's close enough. :)

  2. Longevity is its own achievement, my friend. Bang up job at playing the game for nine years running (PR No.1 dating to March 26th 2014), and at reviewing somewhere between 1-1.2%* of Fimfiction's public fics! That means a lot of gold in there!

    *Depends on how many of those 1,770 fics have been removed since, but safe to say it's not the nearly 300 it would need to be to result in exactly 1%!

    1. Thanks! A very quick manual count just now came up with 71 deleted fics. Not including iisaw's, since my spreadsheet uses their AO3 links instead. But yeah, "I've reviewed more than one per cent of Fimfiction's stories!" sounds amusingly unimpressive while actually being the work of nine years... :D

  3. I'm pretty sure I remember that at one point, I'd reviewed about one out of every eighty words on FiMFic. That felt insane to me then, and there were a LOT fewer words on FiMFic at the time. So, I can only salute your continued ponyfic commentating. Here's to the next 15 million!


    1. Well, if and when I get to 30 million words, we'll see!

  4. I try to keep a count of ones I've reviewed, but it's piecemeal. I never did count all the ones I did as part of writeoff events or for private review requests, so I have to estimate those based on average number of entries and how many events there have been. And on the other side of the coin, I do have an accurate count of ones done for things like WRITE and EqD, though a not insignificant number of the latter don't really count as reviews, since they involved no more than seeing a ton of proofreading problems on page 1 and stopping there.

    In any case, you're pushing close to 2k where you did read the whole thing, which is impressive. You'll be passing me before long. Plus I think my average word count per story reviewed is (wild guess time) more like 5k, since I shied away from anything over 10k for the first few years.

    1. The other way around for me, since I had a bit more time for reading in the early days and so was able to read longer fics more often. Checking just now, the average word count of the first 200 stories I reviewed is a bit over 15k.

  5. Holy carp, that's impressive!
