Wednesday 29 September 2021

UK PonyCon schedule is up

We're now only a week and a bit out from the first in-person My Little Pony convention in the UK since 2019, and hype levels are mounting among those who will be attending. Yesterday, the con released its weekend schedule, and as ever it makes interesting reading even if you're not going to be there in person.

UKPC's schedule is a little quieter than it was two years ago, partly to allow rooms to be cleaned between events. The con also has slightly shorter opening hours and there will be no in-person guests of honour – although that's been UKPC's usual practice anyway. However, there are a few more panels and suchlike than I'd expected, which should mean people there have a good choice of places to go.

Although it doesn't explicitly say so on the schedule page, it's been mentioned by con staff that certain events may have capacity limits: even with English Covid rules a bit more relaxed than they were, many people would be uncomfortable with standing-room-only crushes. As such, if you're desperate to go to a particular panel, a bit of advance planning to make sure you're not arriving at the last second and ending up being turned away might be a good idea.

UK PonyCon 2021 is not going to be a complete hybrid convention with full-scale in-person and online tracks. It's essentially a physical event. However, there will be a certain amount of online participation possible, most notably on the UKPC Discord and its Pony Town server. And, of course, many vendors will be dealing online as well as (or instead of!) being present at the convention venue.

I usually do a "What to bring to UK PonyCon" post at some point, and I might remember to do that next week. If not, then the essential four this year are: your ticket, your Covid status documentation, some means of payment... and comfortable shoes. Seriously, if you've never been to a Pony convention before, you're going to regret it if you don't pick your shoes well. Comfort > everything else! :D

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