Sunday 26 September 2021

Right, here's the plan for G5 reviewy stuff

As mentioned on Friday, I've seen A New Generation and didn't hate it. Okay, let me be a bit more open: I liked it. Once I've seen it again and let my thoughts settle a bit, I'll be posting up a review here – and by that I mean a long-form review, just like in the old days. Yays, neighs, multiple screenshots, the lot. Since I haven't done that since the end of FiM two years ago, it's going to be an interesting experience!

A couple of people have asked whether I'll be doing a Text Review Roundup for the movie. The answer to that is yes, I will. I'm actually thinking about splitting the TRR post in two: the first part for professional reviews (Variety and so on) and the second for fandom reviews. Whether I actually do that or not will depend on how many of each type I can dig up over the next week or so.

I am, of course, hoping that the fandom will also show some of its old level of explosive creativity when it comes to song remixes, fanfics, art and the like. The early signs on that seem to be promising. We may not have got to see ANG on the big screen (a very few countries excepted) but we do seem to have followed Pony into the G5 era about as smoothly as I could have expected.

I'm looking forward to writing that review! :)


  1. Great news (both the upcoming review and roundup(s), and that you enjoyed it!)

    1. I was at the Worcester meet yesterday, and I walked past one of the city's cinemas on the way. I remember thinking to myself, "We should be having our meet in there." Sadly all they could provide was a film about some bloke called James Bond, so we passed. :P
