Sunday 28 October 2018

Sounds of 2011, no. 94: "Autumn"

I should have the final part of my UK PonyCon report up tomorrow, but in the meantime let's get back to Sounds of 2011, my series dealing with what Everfree Radio's listeners voted their top 100 tracks for that year.

Back in the dim and distant days of November 2011, Derpy being a mailmare was pure canon. Also back then, we saw the concept EP by Griffin Village, consisting of four seasonally-named tracks. Although it ranks the lowest of the four in this series, "Autumn" – sometimes referred to as "Autumn (Derpy Hooves)" – is probably the one that remains the most popular today. "I know a mare / She knows me too / The stunning Derpy Hooves / Or Ditzy Doo" remains a fairly widely recognised opening in the fandom.

It's a gently synthy track by Floridian Jackle App, once a huge name in the fandom but someone whose last Pony music seems to have been "Sweetiecut" from May 2012. This paean to Derpy was released when we were only four episodes into S2, so the controversy of Derpygate was still some way in the future. It's also the origin of the "Trot with me through the autumn leaves" chorus, which these days may be better known from The Living Tombstone's "Good ol' Days". If you want to hear "Autumn" in HQ – and surely you do – there's a $1 download on Jackle App's Bandcamp.

Next time, Sounds of 2011 will have another original track, and one which represented a significant early outing for one of the fandom's most enduring musicians.

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