Thursday 18 January 2018

Since someone asked..., I don't review all the ponyfic I read. Most, but not all. Every so often, I like just to enjoy reading something. This often happens when the author is someone I know personally, as I tend to find it awkward to review those pieces unless said author has specifically asked me to. After all, if I read such a fic and think it's terrible, I wouldn't enjoy saying so. (I never do, but especially so where the author is a friend.)

The other stories I read but don't review are those which are ongoing. I tend to keep quiet about them as when (if) they are complete I sometimes want to write a review after all. However, one in this category that I will mention is xjuggernaughtx's Cheerilee's Thousand. It's wonderful fun and definitely recommended, but its format (and the demands on its author's time) mean it may never be "finished" as such.

I'm actually just about to start another story that I won't be reviewing, at least not for the foreseeable future: PresentPerfect's The Princess's Captain, described as a "slow-burn romance" featuring Tempest Shadow and Twilight, with considerable emphasis on the "slow-burn" bit. This is being written in serial format, as a series of separate stories, so I may even be able to keep up with it. The setup appeals to me, anyway.


  1. Ha! You are weak, then! :V

    Granted, this is why I don't read stories until they're complete. <.< I still have quite a few outstanding incompletes in my tracking folder, to say nothing of stuff from EQD that never finished...

    1. I plead entirely, utterly and absolutely guilty to weakness! :D

      Really, the main reason I don't (usually) read incomplete stories is that years ago, when I used to, I got sick of them getting to 150,000 words and then stopping forever. It frustrates me immensely when that happens.

    2. My Dusty Tomes shelf (fics that haven't updated in over a year) has 152 stories on it! So yes, I've learned my lesson the hard way about starting fics that haven't finished yet.

      TPC will be an exception for two reasons; the 'collection of short stories' structure that will allow me to get some sense of closure even if PP gets hit by a bus, and the concept hits the exact center of all my happy buttons.

  2. I would really like to get back to writing that story... or any story, actually. I feel like my life MIGHT be starting to calm down, so hopefully I'll get back to things in the near future.

    1. I still have it tracked, and you can bet your bottom bit I'll be reading it if it does ever update. :)
