Tuesday, 6 September 2016

The #MLPRegularSeason Top 15 is out

No "Most and Least Rewatchable" this week as I simply haven't had time, but I will be writing one up for Season Three in the near future. Instead, I'll cover a different ranking: over on Twitter, The Pony Producer from Alabama news station WTVY has been running a straw poll for some time, asking people to rate each episode of the show out of five. It's a very rough and ready way of gauging fan opinion, of course, but I think the results are interesting nevertheless. Here they are:

1. Amending Fences
2. Party of One
3. Crusaders of the Lost Mark

4. The Saddle Row Review
5. The Cutie Mark Chronicles
6. A Hearth's Warming Tail
7. Lesson Zero
8. The Return of Harmony
9. The Last Roundup
10. Testing Testing 1, 2, 3
11. Twilight's Kingdom
12. Pinkie Pride
13. Sisterhooves Social
14. Hurricane Fluttershy
15. Gauntlet of Fire

I'm very happy to see "Amending Fences" come out on top. While my own favourite episode ("Hurricane Fluttershy") only squeaked into the top 15, "Amending Fences" is a lovely ep that deserves its popularity. It's interesting to see two S1 episodes make the top five even after all this time, and that "Twilight's Kingdom" didn't make the top ten perhaps indicates that it's going to go the way of "A Canterlot Wedding" now that the shock of its fight scenes has worn off.

Much as Applejack fans might like to think otherwise, I really doubt "The Last Roundup" would have been anywhere near this list without Derpy's part in proceedings. The one that did surprise me a bit was "Sisterhooves Social", which I've never found all that interesting myself; I certainly wouldn't place it up with the two episodes that come either side of it in this list. On the other hand, I think "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" probably will maintain its popularity for years to come.


  1. Interesting. I'm a sucker for these kind of things though. Looks like the results are quite close. I wonder how many people voted and what difference a few more votes would have made.

    'The Saddle Row Review' and 'A Hearth's Warming Tail' are both good, but I can't help feeling they've both done better here than they deserved. Probably because they're fresher in people's minds. The same probably applies to 'Gauntlet of Fire' too.

    1. "A Hearth's Warming Tail" was a five-star episode for me, and I think still is, so I might not agree with you there... but it'll be interesting to see what happens to "The Saddle Row Review". That does seem like one that might do a "Twilight's Kingdom" and slide a bit when the novelty's worn off.

  2. Wow. For once in my life, I can't disagree, I mean that top three is just fine by me. I'd put Hurricane Fluttershy a little higher, I think.

    The one surprise is Testing, Testing, like... Okay, sure, it's not a bad episode, but top fifteen? I'm not even mad, I just have to wonder why. I agree the season six episodes are probably rated higher for being fresher.

    1. I like "TT123" a lot, and I'd guess it would be on the edge of the top 15 for me. I just like its dynamics, plus Fluttershy cosplaying as an alicorn princess doesn't hurt it any. :P

    2. I think this is actually the first time I've seen it come up in a list like this. Like, as actually generating hype or anything. I always figured it was a decent, run-of-the-mill sort of episode, in the fandom's eye.

    3. Not that this is any more scientific than the above, but "TT123" was sixth in the UK of Equestria S4 poll, in between "Pinkie Apple Pie" and "Rarity Takes Manehattan". The poll was done just after the season ended, so you can probably guess what came top. :P

  3. Pinkie Pride is number twelve and Crusaders of the Lost Mark is number three? I... That... I'm at a loss. I dunno. I just can't behind Crusaders of the Lost Mark. I dislike it more each time I see it. It's just way too flawed to be a classic.

    1. I'm actually a little surprised "Crusaders" didn't win outright. It's hugely popular, after all. Maybe it's similar to "Lesson Zero", in that it depends on whether you can ignore the flaws for long enough. I'm with the plebs on this one, I'm afraid: I'd happily watch "CotLM" again right now if I had the time. (And "Pinkie Pride", come to that.)

  4. Hmm. There's episodes in there I adore, and episodes I really couldn't care less over. But everyone has their unique preferences and experiences with this show. Me personally, the first 3 seasons don't do all that much for me now as I marathoned through them before I could even consider myself a fan. There were only a small handful that left a lasting impression. The later seasons on the other hand, I got to experience week-by-week whilst immersed in our wonderful group of people.

    My biggest gripe with that list; no 'Sleepless in Ponyville'. 'Rarity Investigates' would also make my top 15, easy.

    1. Mind you, I was in the fandom during S3 and still didn't think all that much of most of it. Actually, the "Rewatchable" post next time is going to require some thought!

      "Sleepless in Ponyville" should definitely be there; it's easily the best S3 episode IMO. It can have "Sisterhooves Social"'s place. :P I'm a big fan of "Rarity Investigates!" too, though top 15 might be pushing it.

  5. Once this season's finished, I think an 'all time top-10' thread on UKofE would be cool.

    1. Sounds like a fun idea, yeah. Start it yourself if you like -- I'll be doing the usual rankings thread for S6, of course. :)

      And though I hope it doesn't happen quite yet, when G4 itself comes to an end, I expect there'll be lists like this all over the place.
