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And yes, Jackpot here is Trixie's dad! |
S8E05: "Grannies Gone Wild"
14 Apr 2018
My original rating: ★★★
IMDb score: 7.0
Thoughts: This episode doesn't rank especially highly with IMDb voters (insert usual caution here) but it was quite popular on Text Review Roundup. I rather liked it back in 2018, and I still rather like it now. Applejack has a little of the annoying overprotectiveness that hit "Somepony to Watch Over Me" fairly hard, but it's less irritating here with her mostly appearing as a ghostly head. She's fairly amusing, too. The "Golden Horseshoe Gals" are a very obvious homage to The Golden Girls, but they work well enough in that regard. A bit weird to see quite so much blatant flirting in Friendship is Magic, but still. Rainbow Dash herself is fine and plays an uncomfortable-for-her role quite well, and I like unusual team-ups (of a sort) to the extent that Rainbow/Granny might have made an interesting map episode! A surprising number of pop culture references even for a late-series ep. Oh, and there's a random alicorn working at the balloon port. :P This one's a bit strange but colourful and fun, and yes the rollercoaster itself looks great... for coaster fans, which isn't me... so it can keep its three-star rating. Though it is still a weird episode title for a My Little Pony episode...
Choice quote: Rainbow Dash, to a cat: "Quit judging me!"
New rating: ★★★
I've realised that, contrary to the vague "mid-spring" date I'd had in my head, "Forgotten Friendship" actually premiered in February 2018, and so I should really have covered it before before beginning on S8 of FiM. Whoops! I'll therefore be watching that next, and only then will I get around to "Surf and/or Turf
Your next time tease has made me realise that I can't remember, when I was binging my way through EqG in early 2018 before Season Eight started (though not nearly as far as I'd binged FiM in two months after seeing the movie – gee, I wonder why…), whether I'd caught up with EqG before "Forgotten Friendship". I'd presumed I hadn't, but if I had, it's possible that have been my first G4 content I watched as it was new, if obviously not for FiM specifically.
ReplyDeleteWhich feels against my spirit, but it is a lot better than "School Daze", and perfectly shows that EqG was stable-ish for what it was towards the end while FiM kept on dipping. So, there's that.
Didn't rewatch this episode, so nothing to say on it, but I will say, you're making me consider it. Probably won't, but even that's impressive enough, bud.
I don't think you're missing an enormous amount by not rewatching it. Unless something remarkable happens, I'm still going to rate "Surf and/or Turf" as a better ep. As for Forgotten Friendship, I suppose the fact that I forgot about it is reasonably on brand! :P
DeleteYeah, I was amongst those who ranked it positively the first time around, and I still do close to seven years later. I mean, seriously, Rainbow Dash and Granny Smith in an episode together? Surely a duo like that would make for an interesting episode! And it does. Brilliantly.
ReplyDeleteNot much else to say other than it's a solid episode.
This episode is so weird, by all rights it should have been cringe af, but they just pulled it off. Rainbow Dash being completely out of her element was a big part of what made it work, I think. Also, where'd we get confirmation about Jackpot? :O:O:O
ReplyDeleteJim Miller confirmed it, though that tweet is no longer accessible. It was mentioned on Equestria Daily that the UK Ultimate Guide book mentions the relationship -- and also namechecks Big Bucks. I think the "Did You Know?" circle included in the EqD post was taken by me, though there's no credit so I can't be sure. I certainly own the book. :)
DeleteAs yes, the episode about Rainbow Dash trying to get the coaster cred. :P
ReplyDeleteI was always a bit thrown off by the stinger at the end of AJ winking. Was that supposed to imply that all the over-protectiveness was just a prank on Dash? Not sure I buy that. Or was it just a case of “isn’t Applejack a silly pony?” (which tbf I can’t argue with)
Yeah, it had the usual late-series characterisation issues (this time with AJ) but still. An amusing episode all in all, and that's worth something. :)
DeleteNot a bad ep, but not especially good either. That wasn't the only random alicorn to show up over the course of the show, but like the others, I assume it was an animation error. I remember reading a story where one of those (a construction worker) was a changeling who'd poorly disguised himself.