Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Brave new world?

Edited to add, 2 Jan 2025: For clarity, I do not like the way I think things may be going. This isn't a post saying "Hey guys, we should all stop worrying about this!" It's a rather poorly written post, and that's on me. I'll probably delete it eventually, but I don't want to do so now and pretend I hadn't written it. So it stays up for a bit.

The other day, Equestria Daily ran an editorial/discussion post entitled "What Should EQD Do About AI Art Once It's Indistinguishable?"  and after that brought a large reaction, Sethisto made a further post called "AI Art Filtering On EQD - A Followup".

It made interesting reading. The comments, though... they were a sometimes interesting, occasionally enlightening, but often frustrating read. For a start, some commenters entirely ignored the point behind the initial post: that AI art is not like it was even a year or two ago. While it still makes mistakes, with careful prompting for simple images at least some of those mistakes are now similar to those that human artists make. In other words, if you ban AI images on such grounds, the risk of false positives is pretty high.

Then there's the old chestnut that "AI art is soulless". Meaning what, exactly? Do you think deeply about the human artist behind the picture of flying Scootaloo you just grabbed from Derpibooru? Do you? For every single one of the 6,000 images in your Scootaloo folder? I'm afraid the first response that comes to mind there is "Yeah, right." In many, many cases what consumers think about is the picture itself. Not the human being who made it. I'm afraid I think at least some of this is artists trying to kid themselves into feeling better.

What about the charge that AI just steals artists' work without compensation or permission? Well, let me answer that with a question of my own. Do you get formal permission and pay licensing fees for the pictures of Rainbow Dash you sell online and at conventions? Why don't you? The easy, tempting answer of "Because screw corporations" doesn't really get anyone anywhere, especially as you are probably perfectly happy to go out and buy a bunch of plastic toy ponies and thereby enrich... corporations.

There are a number of people in the EQD comments complaining very stridently that even calling AI images "art" is disgusting and that their creators should be called "plagiarism machines" or some such. All I can say is, good luck with that. The really hard fact, the one you don't want to face, is that the large majority of consumers of your MLP fanart do not give a damn about you as a creator. If they treated every picture with love and respect and deep contemplation, they wouldn't have amassed thousands upon thousands and stuffed them in a PC or cloud folder.

All this applies just the same to us ponyfic writers as well, by the way. If there was a ponyfic out there as satisfying to read as the best of Cold in Gardez or horizon or Cynewulf but the product of an AI large language model, how many of its readers do you think would downvote¹ it purely for where it came from? I'll tell you: a damn sight fewer than already downvote every M/M shipping story, regardless of its literary quality. Most fans would lap it up.
¹ Or the equivalent. I'm assuming here the presence of a host site that did not ban AI-created works.

I think part of the problem here is the same one we see in wider social media: a relatively small number of very vocal people see others of like mind around them and misinterpret this as meaning that most people in general actively agree with them. The EQD comments are the same: most people who collect loads of pictures of Applejack or whoever never go near EQD, and certainly never go to the trouble of creating a Disqus account and actually commenting on posts.

We often congratulate ourselves in this fandom about how creative we are, and to an extent I think that's justified. 150,000 fanfics of a kids' cartoon about magical talking horses is a remarkable achievement. Nevertheless, the majority of people are fairly passive consumers. Most of us creators are a lot of the time, too. And most people are not like the ones who hammer out screeds every time an AI post turns up insisting that AI art has absolutely no worth.

I remember a book I read years ago, a book of imagined letters to and from great figures of history. There's one addressed to William Caxton from an abbot complaining about how Caxton's newfangled printing press is ruining the job prospects of the monkish calligraphers at the monastery. And how much did this stop the, well, soulless printing press displacing the monks in the end? Not at all. As I've said before, AI art is out of the bottle and it's not going back in. However much you complain, however justifiable you feel those complaints, it's still not going back in.

I do think that there will always be a place for human art, and that there will always be people who do care enough to want it. As a music industry analogy, these are the people who expend time and energy on attending live gigs. They're admirable people and musicians love them. But ever since the advent of recorded sound, they have never been the largest group. They'll be the equivalent of the people who go to conventions and commission art. Most people, though, will grab gratefully at that flawed but adorable picture of Apple Bloom created by AICaPone or whatever.

tl;dr? Creators can say "Keep AI out!" as much as they want. The fandom, as a group, isn't likely to listen.

Sunday, 29 December 2024

New ponyfic reviewer: Chromentazol

As I've remarked from time to time, there aren't a whole lot of ponyfic reviewers around these days, so it's always a great thing when someone new decides to have a go. This time it's Chromentazol, who I've reviewed a couple of times myself. As the title of the blog (see link below) indicates, these reviews probably aren't going to be as frequent as most other current reviewers', but there's nothing wrong with that, especially if it helps prevent burnout.

Chromentazol's Monthly(?) Reviews #1

They've also ensured my eternal gratitude by reviewing one of my own stories in their very first edition! Click the link above to see what Chromentazol made of my short dialogue-only fic Take a Bow from earlier this year. I think it's a good and interesting review, and I very much hope Chromentazol enjoyed the experience and will want to keep doing these. If they do, I'll certainly be reading them!

Friday, 27 December 2024

Sounds of 2015, nos. 85 to 81

I hope everyone had a good Hearth's Warming! Mine was pretty nice, if generally not massively exciting. I ate a lot, spent time with family, ate some more, enjoyed the new Wallace & Gromit, ate yet more, played on the PC, kept on eating and of course spent some quality Pony time as well. The main result of that is this here post! As ever, here's the rundown of my criteria for inclusion:

Rule 1: Still available in the same or (1b) similar form direct from the/an original artist.
Rule 2: Available from a third party, with reason to believe the artist is fine with this.
Rule 3: So famous that it would be plain silly to leave it out.
Rule 4: Being unlisted is not, on its own, grounds for exclusion. 

After having to skip two songs last time, I'm thrilled to be able to say that all five of this week's tracks can be included. They vary a lot, from pieces I'd literally never heard of before to music that's remained famous to this day. Here's the run-down:

85: Ferexes – Malfunction
84: TAPS ft. Bob-E-Quine – Poison Joke
83: Cookie Soup – The Sweetest Thing
82: WoodLore – My Sweet Peace
81: Turquoise Splash ft. Megaphoric & Joaftheloaf – The Twilight Will Rise

As usual, there's a jump break on the way if you're reading on a PC. Or, I suppose if you're using a mobile device but have set it to pretend to be a PC. Onwards!

Sunday, 22 December 2024

My Little Repeats 175: "Grannies Gone Wild"


And yes, Jackpot here is Trixie's dad!

S8E05: "Grannies Gone Wild"

14 Apr 2018

My original rating: ★★★
IMDb score: 7.0

The one with Rick and Morty

Thoughts: This episode doesn't rank especially highly with IMDb voters (insert usual caution here) but it was quite popular on Text Review Roundup. I rather liked it back in 2018, and I still rather like it now. Applejack has a little of the annoying overprotectiveness that hit "Somepony to Watch Over Me" fairly hard, but it's less irritating here with her mostly appearing as a ghostly head. She's fairly amusing, too. The "Golden Horseshoe Gals" are a very obvious homage to The Golden Girls, but they work well enough in that regard. A bit weird to see quite so much blatant flirting in Friendship is Magic, but still. Rainbow Dash herself is fine and plays an uncomfortable-for-her role quite well, and I like unusual team-ups (of a sort) to the extent that Rainbow/Granny might have made an interesting map episode! A surprising number of pop culture references even for a late-series ep. Oh, and there's a random alicorn working at the balloon port. :P This one's a bit strange but colourful and fun, and yes the rollercoaster itself looks great... for coaster fans, which isn't me... so it can keep its three-star rating. Though it is still a weird episode title for a My Little Pony episode...

Choice quote: Rainbow Dash, to a cat: "Quit judging me!"

New rating:

I've realised that, contrary to the vague "mid-spring" date I'd had in my head, "Forgotten Friendship" actually premiered in February 2018, and so I should really have covered it before before beginning on S8 of FiM. Whoops! I'll therefore be watching that next, and only then will I get around to "Surf and/or Turf

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Ponyfic Roundup 520

Read it Later story count: 94 (+2)

Words read this week: 26,042

Welcome to the final Ponyfic Roundup before the Hearth's Warming break! As befits the period, I've chosen five stories that have a seasonal feel about them. Three are in the world of FiM, one is from EqG and the last is from G5. They cover the romance, slice of life, comedy and sad tags, so apart from perhaps adventure there's a good spread I think. Here we go:

The Forgiveness Festival by DegeTheMighty
Shouldering a Holiday Burden by Ghost Mike
Limestone Reluctantly Preserves the Pie Family Hearthswarming by Harmlesskitten13
Silent Night by Serina
The Family That Chooses You by SmokeTester

★: 1 | ★★: 2 | ★★★: 2 | ★★★★: 0 | ★★★★★: 0
Note: I use a skewed rating system. A fic I enjoy an average amount scores two stars.

Sounds of 2015, nos. 90 to 86

Not a great deal to chat about in the intro today. I've been playing Forza Horizon 4 a lot and mostly loving it, though I can't say I'm thrilled with the apparent near-impossibility of getting hold of the Napier-Railton. Oh well, there are enough cars I can get to have fun with. Let's return to 2015 now and take the usual look at the criteria I use, at least one of which has to be satisfied for me to feature a track:

Rule 1: Still available in the same or (1b) similar form direct from the/an original artist.
Rule 2: Available from a third party, with reason to believe the artist is fine with this.
Rule 3: So famous that it would be plain silly to leave it out.
Rule 4: Being unlisted is not, on its own, grounds for exclusion. 

So, how have we done this time? Sadly, this is the worst week for a long while, with me having to skip not one but two songs. There's nothing I can do about it as I have my criteria for good reason, but I'm sad not to be able to bring you those tracks. I promise you, I searched diligently for any remaining official uploads but still drew a blank. Still, you do still get three songs today, and they're these:

90: Scraton – Work It Tavi
89: SharaX – In Our Town (remix)
88: skipped
87: skipped
Sayonara Maxwell – Rainbow Factory (Alternative Metal)

Jump break coming up if you're reading this on a computer, and then it'll be time to embed and talk about these songs! Ready? Thought so. Let's go!

Sunday, 15 December 2024

UK PonyCon 2024 report, part seven: The merch haul

Click to expand to a larger version with numbers you don't have to squint at!

Over two months after UK PonyCon 2024 closed its doors, I am finally rounding off my con report! You already know that I thought the convention was a very good one, with a few little irritations vastly outweighed by all the good stuff. And here is some of that good stuff! I didn't have the funds to buy a lot this year, but here's what I did acquire. This photo was taken in my hotel room (on the bed, as there wasn't room anywhere else!) hence the poor lighting and foreshortened appearance. The orange numbers correspond to the explanations below:

1 – Sundance G1 brushable. Normal size, not as tiny as she looks in the photo!
– UK PonyCon 2024 T-shirt, size XL.
– Con book. Particularly nicely produced this year.
– Small original Celestia canvas by Carousel Wishes.
– Saturday night concert guide leaflet.
6a to 6d¹
 – A4 prints by JowyB. (The Fluttershy one was a gift from a friend.)
– Bronze Sponsor lanyard and con badge.
– Bronze Sponsor button badge.
– Scootatrix "Got Meegan" badge and business card.
– "He/him" and "Want a hug? Please ask" free stickers.
11 – Cute sticker from the freebies table.
12 Business card for KNAB.
–"Gen1us" ribbon, only available to attendees of the Scootertrix panel.
– Celestia marker pen drawing by Sparkler.
– Sponsor bonus sticker sheet.
16 – UKPC 20th anniversary mug.

¹ 6d was erroneously labelled 8d. Go me.

Next time... well, there won't be a next time! Not until and unless I attend next year, anyway...

Friday, 13 December 2024

Ponyfic Roundup 519

Read it Later story count: 92 (nc)

Words read this week: 24,995

The weather here is dreary and grey, and has been for several days now, so what better than to escape into the world of pastel-coloured ponies? After all, last week was one of the most successful slates in the history of Ponyfic Roundup. I'm not expecting quite that level of impressiveness this week, but who knows, maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised! It's not as if these writers are unknowns, now, is it? Here's that slate:

Rarity the Anarchist by Blarghalt
All Things Being Equal by Obsidian Chitin
The Muse of Fire by Lets Do This
Pictures of Lily by cleverpun
Ponyville, Our Ponyville by Botched Lobotomy

★: 0 | ★★: 0 | ★★★: 4 | ★★★★: 1 | ★★★★★: 0
Note: I use a skewed rating system. A fic I enjoy an average amount scores two stars.

Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Not feeling well, so Ponyfic Roundup will be slightly delayed

Nothing too awful, just a minor winter bug I think. If it follows the pattern of other similar illnesses I've had, I'd expect to be able to post Ponyfic Roundup on Friday, so not too much of a delay. :)

Sounds of 2015, nos. 95 to 91

Some kind person who'd like to remain anonymous bought me Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate Edition as an early Hearth's Warming present (it's getting delisted on the 15th) and I've been having a ball. I'm a decent sim driver, but this is more arcadey than I'm used to. The British setting adds a great extra dimension, though. I've been to Broadway! Anyway, back to the music of nine years ago, and as usual here's the run-down of the criteria. At least one of these must be satisfied for a song to be included:

Rule 1: Still available in the same or (1b) similar form direct from the/an original artist.
Rule 2: Available from a third party, with reason to believe the artist is fine with this.
Rule 3: So famous that it would be plain silly to leave it out.
Rule 4: Being unlisted is not, on its own, grounds for exclusion. 

I managed to feature all five tracks in the relevant part of the chart last time, but no such luck this week I'm afraid. I don't want to give away the identities of the people behind no. 93, but I will say that it was a multi-person track with the singers' real-world faces in shot on the video, and perhaps those are understandably especially vulnerable. Still, I can still feature four songs, and that's not too bad! Here's the list:

95: Starlight ft. Mica – Forgotten
94: SophiiVA – Nightmares
93: skipped
92: Starlight – Glimmer
91: Synthis – The Mirror

Unless you're reading this on mobile, which a lot of you probably are, then there'll be a jump break any moment. After that, it'll be the usual mixture of embeds, info and ramblings. Off we go!

Sunday, 8 December 2024

My Little Repeats 174: "Fake It 'Til You Make It"

"Call us that again and you'll be finding out just what carnivora means!"

S8E04: "Fake It 'Til You Make It"

7 Apr 2018

My original rating: ★★
IMDb score: 7.1

The one with thread counting

Thoughts: This was Josh Hamilton's fourth and last Friendship is Magic writing credit. Back then I was rather irritated by it, since it didn't give me the Fluttershy/Rarity friendshipping episode I really wanted. But on its own merits? Well, it has its pluses. There is some F/R stuff early on that's very nice, and Flutters' personas are quite amusing even if the joke is stretched out for too long and eventually makes her quite dislikeable. The episode looks really nice, as they usually do by this point in the show's run. The team had pretty much tamed Flash by S8, it seems. Most notably of all, Andrea Libman gives us an absolute masterclass in voice acting. Now, this is still a long way from being a really fantastic episode. Some of the setup is shaky – it's been canon since "Suited for Success" that 'Shy does know her fashion – and not even mentioning Coco felt bizarre in this setting. Also, the usual School of Friendship issue: how come the other Manes can just zip over to Manehattan at the drop of a hat? So, it's got some good things, quite a few in fact, but it doesn't quite hang together well. As such, while I'm nudging this up to the top of the two-star band, I don't think it quite has enough smoothness to get over the line to a three.

Choice quote: Customer: "This store is a desperate wasteland of nothingness. Do you have anything in black?"

New rating:

Next up, "Grannies Gone Wild". Other than some slightly tedious sniggering about its title, I can't remember a lot about this one. I seemed to quite like it six years ago, though, so here's hoping I like it again!

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Ponyfic Roundup 518: The Golden Ones

Read it Later story count: 92 (-1)

Words read this week: 5,000

A quick PSA: thanks to those PC problems I'm several months behind with my Fimfiction courtesy notes on fics I've reviewed in the last few months. I do intend to start catching up on those before too long! But for today, here we are at the very last look at the medal-winning fics  from this year's Thousand Words Contest III. It's a particularly exciting Roundup today, because the five stories under the microscope today are those that won the competition's highest honour, a shiny Gold Medal. I'm writing this intro before I've read the stories, and I'm really rather eager to get stuck into them. They are:

Our Creation Myth by AltruistArtist
Artificial Sunlight
by gloamish
Equestrian Family Values by daOtterGuy
Squatters, Right? by GrangeDisplay
Rainbow Dash Reads the Manual by Bandy

★: 0 | ★★: 0 | ★★★: 0 | ★★★★: 4 | ★★★★★: 1
Note: I use a skewed rating system. A fic I enjoy an average amount scores two stars.

Monday, 2 December 2024

When politics and fandom collide

This is going to be a rather more serious-minded post than most of mine here. A few of you may have an idea what sparked off my thinking about this earlier in the autumn. If you do know, please keep it to yourself, as it's not something that I want splurged all over a more general post like this. By the way, I'm not talking about in-universe Equestrian politics here. I'm not talking about fandom politics in the sense of "Why does X con never invite Y guest?" or whatever, either. I mean real-world politics and how much it should or should not impinge on fandom events.

An example that comes to mind is the Mare Fair convention. This event was somewhat controversial in its own right because of its fully 18+ nature (very uncommon in the Pony fandom) and its close links to 4chan – though of course we all have to recognise that the FiM fandom itself was pretty much born on 4chan back in 2010.¹ I wasn't there and though I do know one or two people who were (and, I will acknowledge, had a good time), I don't think it's fair to comment on what the atmosphere may or may not have been like when I had no experience of it and have barely looked at videos or reports from it.
¹ Not quite, since the first G4 PMV pre-dates the 4chan MLP fandom.

After the convention itself, and not at the actual venue, there was an incident (widely reported on social media) in which some people formed a swastika in a swimming pool. There was a lot of back and forth about what actually happened, who meant what, what action would have been appropriate, etc – but certainly it put some people right off, me included, though of course many of those (also me included) would never have gone to a 4chan-related/inspired event anyway. FWIW I thought one reaction, that they couldn't do anything about it because it happened outside con time/grounds, was pretty weak. It's a private event, so they certainly could ban/restrict such people from attending very easily if they'd wanted.

Still, I don't have enough details to say more. Here's a post on Estee's Fimfiction that has some background in the comments.

No, my real point is this. I absolutely do not subscribe to the notion that something being important means you have a moral right or even imperative to talk/post about it anywhere and everywhere regardless of what anyone else in that forum might want or what its own rules might be. As I often point out, even in 1940 with the UK at war and under imminent threat of invasion from a huge number of real, actual, armed Nazis, there were places in pubs, clubs etc where war talk was absolutely forbidden. Providing some kind of safe space away from the latest controversy/drama/danger/whatever is a good thing and I won't budge from that.

This does not of course mean that politics and serious matters should never come up. I could point to the earlier years when "love and tolerate" was taken by a few too many people to mean "absolutely everyone should be welcome in this fandom". That led to cases of creepiness and worse by people who should have been told "No. You are not welcome here. Get out" on sight. I think the MLP fandom has improved its behaviour on that now, but the fact remains that it was unacceptably lax for too long. That is a source of shame for us as a fandom, and we mustn't let it happen again.

But, just as I think calling every unpleasant right-wing person a Nazi¹ is both lazy and utterly counterproductive, I also think that insisting that politics should be discussed everywhere and that if you don't do it, you're effectively enabling a cover-up, is also counterproductive. It's certainly true that "There's a time and a place" can be misused for those purposes, but I don't believe that it is inherently a bad line to take. I deeply dislike what those people did after Mare Fair, and I wouldn't want people who did that in a group I ran. Mind you, I doubt said people would want to be in such a group, so the issue is unlikely to arise.
¹ That is a subset of right-wing people. Calling all right-wing people Nazis is even less to my taste.

So, in general: I think we were wrong to brush awkward and difficult subjects under the carpet and pretend everything was sunshine and rainbows when it wasn't. I think there are times today when we have to face up to difficult and awkward subjects. I simultaneously think that the existence of places where you can be reasonably sure that you won't suddenly encounter a political screed, even one you agree with, is right. Sometimes people – certainly me – need their escapism and a place to get away from the real world for a bit. It's one of the things fantasy fandoms are for!