Monday 27 May 2024

Fimfiction is getting regular ponyfic reviews on its site posts again!

This is something I should have mentioned some days ago, and indeed intended to before I did that usual Loganish thing of forgetting. Long-time Fimfictioneer, prolific ponyfic author and extremely dedicated reviewer PaulAsaran has been asked if he'd be willing to have his fortnightly ponyfic blogs given a spot on the Fimfiction news pages. I'm very happy to say that – at least for a trial period – he has accepted!

Happy for several reasons. First, he's a damn good reviewer and he's earned this. If you don't already follow his blogs, what are you waiting for? Second, as Ghost Mike points out, we've had several years without any regular reviews on the site pages. I'll come back to a thought on that aspect in a moment. Third, with a few tweaks (such as, very slightly sadly but understandably, writing a little less about his non-fandom life) he'll be able to keep doing his review posts the way he has for years.

Now, I said I'd come back to point two. One thing I'm going to be interested to see is how newer Fimfiction members react to this, given that they didn't experience the old days when you encountered reviews a lot. Another thing, though, is whether it will encourage a renaissance in reviewing. We've had a few new folks in the past few years, most recently abrony-mouse, but I think all of us current reviewers would be delighted to see more join the ranks. Hopefully many authors would, too!

But let's return to the most important person here: PaulAsaran. I think he's done a lot for Fimfiction in general, just like the (different) person who's going to be revealed soon as the subject of my next Author Spotlight edition of Ponyfic Roundup. By accepting the invitation to have his reviews in the Fimfiction news pages, he'll be doing it – and the cause of anyone who loves ponyfic – another service. I await Paul's first site post with great eagerness!


  1. with a few tweaks (such as, very slightly sadly but understandably, writing a little less about his non-fandom life)
    For what it's worth, he said that as only his fortnightly review blogs will get this featured treatment, he will still continue to wax poetry about all that during the off weeks as he is now. So it's not as bad as it sounds. Postponing of said bits, sure, but they'll still reach the same followers audience they do now.

    just like the (different) person who's going to be revealed soon as the subject of my next Author Spotlight edition of Ponyfic Roundup.
    I think I have a pretty good idea of who it is now… At least, the top possible candidate, with a few backups. Colour me intrigued! More so than before, anyway.

    1. Indeed, the fact the we're not going to be losing Paul's outside -world chat altogether is why I'm only very slightly sad. It's a fair compromise, certainly.

      As for the forthcoming Spotlighted author, I would be surprised if you were the only person who got it, if indeed you have. I'm planning on making it part of a short run of themed Roundups as I approach no. 500.

    2. Yay :) still new to FimFic, so I didn't even realise they had featured post things. And there was me, thinking that there were no people reviewing in 2024! Site is freaking humming!

    3. @abrony You should have seen it ten years ago! Maybe 3-4 times as much activity as there is now. The fact that even after that reduction it's still busy just speaks of how big a fandom this was in its heyday and how good a platform Fimfiction is.
