Friday 9 December 2022

Presented without comment

Without editing either, other than the bold bits.

Me: Discuss the theory that Friendship is Magic declined in quality in the last few years of its run.

ChatGPT: There are several theories as to why Friendship is Magic may have declined in quality in the last few years of its run.

One theory is that the show became too formulaic and predictable. Many fans felt that the episodes were starting to feel repetitive and lacked the originality and creativity of earlier seasons.

Another theory is that the show began to focus too much on the main characters and neglected the development of the supporting cast. Many fans felt that the show had become too centered around Twilight Sparkle and her friends, and that other characters were not given enough attention or depth.

A third theory is that the show lost its connection to its core themes and values. Some fans felt that the show had strayed too far from its messages about friendship and acceptance, and had become too focused on action and adventure.

Overall, it is likely that a combination of these factors contributed to the decline in quality of Friendship is Magic in its later years.

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