Tuesday 10 September 2024

Sounds of 2014, nos. 15 to 11

Here we are again with another "Sounds of 2014" – and this time, it's the last instalment before we reach the top ten! By this point, we're looking at songs that were really, really popular all those years ago, and in many/most cases actually released for the first time in 2014. Here's the usual run-down of the criteria a song needs at least one of to be featured here:

Rule 1: Still available in the same or (1b) similar form direct from the/an original artist.
Rule 2: Available from a third party, with reason to believe the artist is fine with this.
Rule 3: So famous that it would be plain silly to leave it out.
Rule 4: Being unlisted is not, on its own, grounds for exclusion. 

Here's this week's list:

15: The L-Train et al – Moonrise
14: Aski Meskin & The Living Tombstone – Manehatten

13: 4EverfreeBrony ft. Faux Snyder & Emily Jones – Here on the Moon
12: SlyphStorm ft. 4EverfreeBrony & Midnight Melody – Soldiers of the Night
11: Black Gryph0n & Baasik – Quest (This Can't Be All)

I'm sure you know by now what happens past the jump break, so let's get to it!

Rule 1: uploaded to YouTube 20 Feb 2014
Normally I try to credit every headlined contributor to a featured track, but with this one it's not really possible. Most of you will know The L-Train, but with this symphonic metal opera the number of people involved runs into double figures. The most prominent guest performer may be Haylizabeth, now working as Hayley Nelson, who sings Luna's part. As you may guess, the story concerns the rise and fall of Nightmare Moon, and it's a very nicely made piece with plenty of great guitar work. I must admit I'm a little iffy about its position in this chart, not because it's bad – it's anything but! – but really it's more a seven-track short album than a song, running to more than 25 minutes. You can buy it for A$4 on The L-Train's Bandcamp.

Rule 1: uploaded to YouTube 18 Jan 2014
Yeah, it's spelt like that. Late in The Living Tombstone's MLP career, he released this collaboration with singer and guitarist Asi Meskin, someone I know basically nothing about. It's a song about Coco Pommel and the city she calls home. After realising the selfishness of life working for Suri Polomare, Coco is now determined to be herself and help others where she can. It's a nicely turned rock song, and noticeably more polished than some of Tombstone's work from a couple of years earlier. Right from the intro, it drew me in. Want this song in HQ? That'll cost you $1 from Tombstone's Bandcamp.

Rule 1: uploaded to YouTube 7 Apr 2014
It's that man 4EverfreeBrony again! That's rarely an unwelcome thing, and it certainly isn't with this bouncy, cheerful pop song. Or at least, it seems to be bouncy and cheerful. Along with Faux Snyder and Emily Jones, 4EB produces a wonderfully memorable track that, if you don't listen too hard, will bring a smile to your face. However, consider it in the context of the full The Pink Side of the Moon album and the emotional impact of Pinkie Pie's tale is more than a little different: she's actually on the Moon for sad reasons. The song was remastered in 2018, as was the whole album, but this is "Sounds of 2014" and so if you want to pick it up in its original form in HQ, head over to 4EB's Bandcamp and pick it up for $1.

Rule 1: uploaded to YouTube 23 Jun 2014
Oh yeah. I may like Celestia more than Luna as a character, but the Moon Princess often seems to win when it comes to inspiring great tunes, and this absolute smash from SlyphStorm is a perfect example. Inspired by Forest Rain's (excellent) Celestia song "Raise the Sun", this track harks back to the older fandom days when many split into Lunar Republic or Solar Empire supporters. No prizes for guessing which army this song is inspiring! Some great guitar work (and vocals) from 4EverfreeBrony (yet again) and bass by Midnight Melody add up to a truly exciting, driving song that the Princess of the Night would have loved having on her side in battle. Get it for $1 on SlyphStorm's Bandcamp.
Rule 1: Uploaded to YouTube 1 Mar 2014
We saw them here last week; we see them here this week: BlackGryph0n and Baasik are back with yet another smash hit from their IMmortal album. Mind you, this one has perhaps not lasted as well as some of the others. "Quest" is a Spike song, apparently inspired by "Dragon Quest" in that he's singing about how yes, there's a whole world out there, but his adoptive family is still what's most important to him. A little on the heavy electronic-almost-dubstep side for me really, but it's well produced as always. As is the case for other IMmortal songs, this one can be snagged in HQ for 99¢ from Black Gryph0n's Bandcamp.


  1. Oh man, I forgot Harmony was part of a 25-minute rock opera :D it's so freaking good, though, all of these are! the top 15 is looking stellar from here!

    A4 dollars, you say? :V

    1. Whoops, that should be A$4. Aussie dollars. Fixed now!

      And yeah, it's a great week. I just hope the top ten won't be an anticlimax after that! We'll see soon...

    2. it's always possible they already shot their shot! XD

  2. Not heard Here on the Moon in ages! <3 it
