Friday 16 August 2024

Okay, looks like the Nine Days Down review is back on!

Somehow I'd failed to notice that, as a certain Royal Guard would put it, "It had returned", but JoeShogun's Nine Days Down was restored to Fimfiction last year. As some may recall, I was originally going to review this in late 2021 or early 2022, but that was when both it and the account it was on were deleted, so I had to cancel. Now this story has been undeleted,¹ I am able to uncancel. Yes, I do once again plan to give it a Spotlight review!
¹ Technically, JoeShogun has started a new account and posted it there, but it comes to the same thing.

This won't be imminent. I intend to start again from page one, and the story is 143,000 words – long for me even in a Spotlight. Plus, of course, I have a pretty big stack of other stories to read and write about. But I have seen a whole bunch of people praise this story to the skies since it was published (2015–2017). I can't promise I'll do the same thing, but I can say I'm really quite excited about being able to write about Nine Days Down again.


  1. ooh! :O now how often does that happen? I don't have any memories of this past the title, but that's nevertheless quite exciting to see someone bring their old work back :D

    1. I'm trying to think of another well-known story that's been brought back. There are a few that were going to be deleted and weren't (eg back in 2016 HoofBitingActionOverload was going to nuke everything). I can't offhoof think of one in the same category as Nine Days Down, though I imagine some do exist.

  2. Glad to see this story back. I read it so long ago that I don't remember specifics, but I definitely upvoted it.

  3. That's an awfully long story for me as well, but I read it. I skimmed most of it so that it didn't eat up months of my ponyfic time, but I did really enjoy what I saw of it.
