Wednesday 28 August 2024

Ponyfic Roundup 504

Read it Later story count: 94 (-1)

Words read this week: 12,786

Lots of blogs on Fimfiction about this year's Everfree Northwest convention. They're generally good reading, too. Mind you, EFNW and its bookstall have made me think about something. In particular, those stories which have physical-exclusive content. Although most of this blog is aimed globally, I am British and the sheer cost of ordering physical ponyfic books from the UK is not a trivial matter.¹ I may expand more on this decision in a later post, but in short: I have decided that I will only be reviewing stories in their free, online forms, barring truly exceptional circumstances. (This does not apply to commercial publications like the official chapter books.)
¹ The one major exception has been Lulu, since they print standard format books in the UK too. Indeed, that's how I got Cold in Gardez's Completely Safe Stories collection. However, they've cracked down on fanfic in recent times, so much less ponyfic is now available that way.

All right; on to today's list. These are the top five entries in the Dialogue Only Contest, reviewed in reverse order of placing, with the fifth placed story covered first and the winner reviewed at the end. Since they're all short and since I decided not to review the hon menshes as well, this week's Ponyfic Roundup has a very low word count. That won't be the case next time, as you'll see in the footer. The fics on the slate today are:

Unsent Letters, Unsung Failures by gloamish
Quasar by kleia
The Cuckoo's Lament by Jade Ring
One Planet, Slightly Used by FanOfMostEverything
The First in a Decade by taterforlife

★: 0 | ★★: 0 | ★★★: 3 | ★★★★: 2 | ★★★★★: 0
Note: I use a skewed rating system. A fic I enjoy an average amount scores two stars.

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Sounds of 2014: nos. 25 to 21

It's an exciting day for "Sounds of 2014", for today we're entering the top quarter of the Equestrian Trot 100 chart for that year. By this point, all the songs featured today will have been heard widely during 2014, if not necessarily first released in the year. As always, here's the summary of the criteria I use for deciding inclusion:

Rule 1: Still available in the same or (1b) similar form direct from the/an original artist.
Rule 2: Available from a third party, with reason to believe the artist is fine with this.
Rule 3: So famous that it would be plain silly to leave it out.
Rule 4: Being unlisted is not, on its own, grounds for exclusion. 

I've got used to being able to feature all five songs in an edition by this point, and you know what? I can do the same again today! Yay! Here's the quintet:

25: Sim Gretina – Hearts Strong As Horses (remix)
24: Synthis, 4EverfreeBrony and FritzyBeat – Cold

23: BlackGryph0n & Baasik – Crusader (Are We There Yet)
22: SlyphStorm – Pegasus Device
21: Aftermath – Bats! (remix)

Come with me to the casb—er, past the jump break and there'll be the usual embedded YouTube videos and thankfully brief rambling from yours truly.

Monday 26 August 2024

Calpain is leaving Equestria Daily

Time was when reporting something on here that had already been posted on EqD would have been pretty much pointless, but as Sethisto's article yesterday points out, the fandom is a bit more splintered than it used to be. In part, that's yet another thing to blame social media for. The decline in blogging and forums in favour of zap-zap-quick one-liners has not, I think, been a plus in general. Happily we ponyfic folk still have Fimfiction to ramble on at length in.

Anyway, yes: Calpain is leaving EqD after a very long stint. Seth will be carrying on, but inevitably the site won't be quite the same any more. It's likely to get slower in updating, at least in the longer term, and the fact that G5 just doesn't appeal on the same scale as G4 contributes to that as well. The fandom itself is, I think, still in decent health. My local meetup group is getting its largest average attendances ever, and the smallest of the three UK-based conventions expanded this year.

But even for those like me who don't regularly visit EqD any more, it's still one of the foundation stones of the MLP fandom and any noticeable change will still be noticed by a lot of people. Sure its format is out of the mainstream these days, but frankly who cares about that? As long as it's around in some capacity, I think Equestria Daily will have a place. Best wishes to Calpain in wherever he goes from here, and also to Seth in however he makes the site work in the future.

Sunday 25 August 2024

Thousand Words III results are out!

The "A Thousand Words Contest III", to give it its slightly unwieldy full name,¹ has published its results! Out of 166 entries, just two fewer than last year's edition, 46 have received gold, silver, bronze or pewter (it's a thing, apparently) medals or honourable mentions, so 27.7%. Of which a goodly number are by gloamish, who set some kind of record by having their five entries all place, one with each kind of recognition!
¹ I could have shortened it to TW3, but for us Brits that abbreviation is already taken!

Although there were only six hon menshes this year, as against nine in 2023, and there were no specific Judge's Prizes (fifteen last year), the significant increase in the number of bronze medals awarded (seven last year, twelve this) and the introduction of pewter medals (sixteen) means there are several more stories which were given recognition at some level than there were in 2023's contest. I'm not actually sure why Judge's Prizes were removed, but that's not something I'm too exercised by.

I am currently considering what to do about reviewing these. In particular, how far down the rankings to go. In the past I have reviewed all the medallists and mentions, but with the largest ever count of those I'm not yet in a position to commit to doing so this time. I think it can be taken as read that gold and silver medallists will get covered. Probably bronze too, but pewter and hon mensh I don't know about. Even if I do, I may not run these reviews in one big block of a month or so, but instead break them up with one or two conventional editions of PR in the middle.

As for my own little entry, Cleaning Up, I never expected it to get anywhere (as indeed it didn't) and I certainly don't expect to be grumbling that the stories that placed above it were worse. As the longdesc says, it was written in an hour after I decided close to the closing date that I'd like to continue my record of always having submitted something for the Thousand Words event. I'm not an expert speedwriter and it shows. I'd actually have been fretful had it won something, since it would have suggested a dearth of great fics around it.

Also, I said I'd expand a bit on my previously stated unease about the contest showrunners' decision regarding Experimental works. It's not my contest of course so this is just a personal opinion, but I tend to think that staying within Fimfiction story rules makes sense as being an integral part of the challenge. Sure, push them as far as you can, subvert them gleefully – that's part of the fun of contests – but if the story is deemed to fail site rules on something like formatting, that's your bad luck. I feel choosing to run that risk is also part of the fun.

So, I'm not entirely on board with the contest rules changing to allow fics that would fail site moderation to enter in blog form, all the more so since on a purely personal level I've kind of had enough of the type of Experimental fic that majors on doing weird things with formatting and word count. I fret that in next year's contest (assuming it runs, as is planned and hoped) Experimental will be full of fics that don't even try to conform to site rules. That to me will not be the same competition, and (again to me) will probably not appeal as much.

This doesn't mean I won't support the contest, of course! I love it, I feel it's run very well, and I think it's thoroughly good for Fimfiction and for ponyfic in general. It simply means that in 2025 I suspect I may just pay less attention to the Experimental category than to the others. That said, of course, I don't know how the contest will be structured next year, so I reserve the right to do a screeching 180 if it turns out to appeal to me after all!

Friday 23 August 2024

My Little Repeats 168: "Uncommon Bond"

Rock. I am a rock. Facets. Facts.

S7E24: "Uncommon Bond"

21 Oct 2017

My original rating: ★★★
IMDb score: 7.4

The one with a blind barrel

Thoughts: Kevin Lappin wrote three episodes of FiM, all of them for this season. The okay "Honest Apple" and the entertaining "To Change a Changeling" were the first two, and "Uncommon Bond" rounds off the trio. Here, though, he shares the credit with Josh Haber. Anyway, something I'd forgotten was that Sunburst isn't actually all that likeable to start with, oblivious to how he's making Starlight feel as he fancolts about Twilight. There's more fun once Trixie and later Maud appear, but even so. Once again Glimmy is cavalier about breaking rules (the Mirror Pool seal) and once again she has staggering magical ability which never did end up getting properly explained. This time, the age spell on herself and Sunburst.¹ She does, as Twi says, have a tendency to overdo. There's a very nice message in this episode about how friendships can change as ponies grow older but not necessarily have to end. That's an important and satisfying moral, even if the surrounding ep is a bit too hither-and-thither for it to shine out properly. I'm going to leave its three-star rating intact.
¹ Also, did you consider the consent issues, Starlight? Hmm? Perhaps we need to talk about this...

Choice quote: Starlight: "This shop looked a lot smaller from the outside."

New rating: ★

Almost done with Season Seven now! Almost, but not quite, for next time it'll be what follows on from that ominous moment at the end of this episode: the first part of the S7 finale, "Shadow Play". I adored this when I first saw it, but I can't help feeling it might not have aged entirely gracefully. Let's see.

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Ponyfic Roundup 503

Read it Later story count: 95 (nc)

Words read this week: 23,196

The Thousand Words Contest III admins have been talking on Fimfiction about what they'll do regarding two entries that were posted on there but then unpublished by the site mods. I'll allow some time to let my thoughts settle, but my immediate reaction to their decision is that I'm not entirely keen on it. Their contest and their choice, of course, and the authors of the two relevant fics are both good, experienced writers. I have no dog in this fight anyway, as it affects the Experimental category for which I've never written. As I say, I'll leave writing more about this until later, certainly not before the contest results are published in a few days. Back to today's stories:

What's in a Name? by RB_
The Seeds of Grief
by eemoo1o
Gobbling and Other Traditional Pursuits
by LadyMoondancer
Final Regrets
by ObeySaturnGod
The Clever One by Winston

★: 0 | ★★: 1 | ★★★: 2 | ★★★★: 2 | ★★★★★: 0
Note: I use a skewed rating system. A fic I enjoy an average amount scores two stars.

Tuesday 20 August 2024

Sounds of 2014, nos. 30 to 26

First up, welcome to anyone reading this via BritBronies. It was a nice surprise to see these posts mentioned there, so thank you! I hope you – and indeed everyone else – enjoy these little retrospectives of what was popular in Pony music a decade ago. As ever, a reminder of the criteria required for me to include a track here:

Rule 1: Still available in the same or (1b) similar form direct from the/an original artist.
Rule 2: Available from a third party, with reason to believe the artist is fine with this.
Rule 3: So famous that it would be plain silly to leave it out.
Rule 4: Being unlisted is not, on its own, grounds for exclusion. 

It's been several editions now since I've had to exclude a song for not meeting any of the above criteria, and you know what? I don't have to do so this time around either! Huzzah! So, here are today's five:

30: Forest Rain – Fluttershy
29: Sand Josieph ft. Amelia Bedelia and other changelings – Mother Changeling

28: dBPony ft. MicTheMicrophone – No Chance
27: PrinceWhateverer ft. Scrambles & Dreamchan – Destabilize
26: Makkon – Dregs of a Bitter Cup

As usual, past this point there's a jump break (if that works on your device) and then the YouTube embeds, brief notes and thoughts from me. Off we go!

Saturday 17 August 2024

What makes a modern ponyfic classic?

Present Perfect recently put up a long and extremely positive assessment of mushroompone's The Head (a fic I read and raved about myself in PR 435). If you haven't already read it, drop whatever you're doing and get to it. Yes, it's Mature rated. Yes, it justifies that rating. Yes, it's disturbing. Yes, it has three warning tags. No, it's not gratuitous. Yes, it deserves all its fame.

(Mild and unnecessary sideline: it happens that this is one fic that refers to a female character – Starlight – as "headmaster", a usage which I noted on Fimfiction looks really odd to me as a Brit.)

Anyway, I think most people agree that The Head can be called a modern classic of ponyfic. But what else is? If we define "modern" as being published since the start of 2020, order them by view count and the top five are M-rated, which I find slightly uncomfortable. The next one, though rated Teen, is incomplete.

The most viewed modern complete, non-Mature story is Lynwood's What a Strange Little Colt. It has 34,000 views, a huge number for a fic first published in 2021, and yet I'd never even heard of it until I did this search. Look further down the list, and there are yet more M-rated and/or incomplete stories and a bunch of [Human]-tagged ones. Humans make really, really popular reading these days, it seems.

So, what about the stories I usually read, ie one-shots that aren't M-rated, don't feature the [Human] tag and are complete? There's Mare of Mystery's Quick! Distract Chrysalis!, but that's a second-person story and I very rarely read those either. Next comes errant's Twilight Sparkle Has a Type. That looks more to my taste,¹ and it has 16k views, but again I'd not heard of it until just now.
¹ Enough so that I've added it to my Read it Later list.

So, overall views aren't the defining factor. Okay, we knew that already. The Head has 5.8k views. Good by modern standards but not overwhelmingly so. mushroompone's story is widely accepted as a modern classic, in that the large majority of people who've read it have raved about it. That includes very accomplished writers such as Cold in Gardez, Aquaman, Daedalus Aegle and Aragon.

Anyway, back to my subject line here. In the comments to Present Perfect's post, Jarvy Jared made this suggestion for what constitutes a classic: "1) enough time passes and it's still talked about (which you cannot know ahead of the time), and 2) it's a story that, after you've read it, you have a feeling it's going to last a lot longer than most others."

So, with that in mind, what other ponyfics do you think qualify for the title "modern classic" – and if you feel like expanding on that, why do they?

Friday 16 August 2024

Okay, looks like the Nine Days Down review is back on!

Somehow I'd failed to notice that, as a certain Royal Guard would put it, "It had returned", but JoeShogun's Nine Days Down was restored to Fimfiction last year. As some may recall, I was originally going to review this in late 2021 or early 2022, but that was when both it and the account it was on were deleted, so I had to cancel. Now this story has been undeleted,¹ I am able to uncancel. Yes, I do once again plan to give it a Spotlight review!
¹ Technically, JoeShogun has started a new account and posted it there, but it comes to the same thing.

This won't be imminent. I intend to start again from page one, and the story is 143,000 words – long for me even in a Spotlight. Plus, of course, I have a pretty big stack of other stories to read and write about. But I have seen a whole bunch of people praise this story to the skies since it was published (2015–2017). I can't promise I'll do the same thing, but I can say I'm really quite excited about being able to write about Nine Days Down again.

Wednesday 14 August 2024

Ponyfic Roundup 502

Read it Later story count: 95 (+2)

Words read this week: 29,541

Not a lot is going on at the moment, which is rather boring for you to read about but is, for the most part, fine by me. I'm still shuttling back and forth between various medical appointments, but c'est la vie. No Olympics any more, and a little while to wait until the Paralympics. Really, all I can do in my spare moments is sit around and read ponyfic. Well, okay, not all, but it's certainly on the list! And talking of lists, let's see today's slate of stories...

Sombra Omega by Azure129
Larger Than Life by Equimorto
Mended Hearts and Wings by BronyBrozly
Sol Invictus by Seer
Mindscapers by Heroic412227

★: 1 | ★★: 1 | ★★★: 2 | ★★★★: 1 | ★★★★★: 0
Note: I use a skewed rating system. A fic I enjoy an average amount scores two stars.

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Sounds of 2014, nos. 38 and 34 to 31

Okay, first up, huge apologies! I actually managed to miss out a track last time. I am therefore going to include it here today above the fold to give it its deserved moment in the sun. It has also been retrospectively added to last week's post, and the numbering there has been corrected.

It's that time again! Yes, it's time for us to return to 2014, that far-off year when FiM was still less than halfway through its run and none of us (bar a few working on the show, I guess) had ever heard of Starlight Glimmer. That may be a nice memory for some of you, of course! I generally quite like Starlight, though. As always, here's the run-down of my criteria for including a track:

Rule 1: Still available in the same or (1b) similar form direct from the/an original artist.
Rule 2: Available from a third party, with reason to believe the artist is fine with this.
Rule 3: So famous that it would be plain silly to leave it out.
Rule 4: Being unlisted is not, on its own, grounds for exclusion. 

I've had three weeks of being able to include every track, and wonderfully I can extend that run this time, despite the mistake I acknowledged above! Here are the five songs in this week's "Sounds of 2014":

38: Glaze – Tough Luck

34: OhPonyBoy – The Blob Symphony [Blobs are cute]
33: PrinceWhateverer ft. Dreamchan – It'll Be OK (cover)
32: Aviators – Revenge
31: Black Gryph0n & Baasik – Tell Me

I'm sure you know how this bit goes by now. Under the jump break (does that even work on mobile?) you'll see YouTube embeds, a few historical details and Logan's vague waffling

Rule 1: uploaded to YouTube 24 Jul 2014
I suppose it's rather appropriate that a song that was unfairly missed out last time has a title like this! Glaze is of course also known as WoodenToaster, and this was a song he entered for a 24-hour challenge. Mind you, he states in the description that he only actually had four hours to make this, which makes the result fairly impressive. I don't really know what it's actually about, as the cover art doesn't make a whole lot of sense and the lyrics only give hints. Maybe it was written for a story or something? On Bandcamp, for some incomprehensible reason the single track costs £1,000 [sic], so instead acquire the 24 Hours of Pain album which contains it as a name-your-price offering.

Four more songs after the break!

My Little Repeats 167: "Secrets and Pies"

"Wow, the IOC must be really desperate for new climbing disciplines!"
S7E23: "Secrets and Pies"

14 Oct 2017

My original rating: ★★
IMDb score: 7.4

The one with a possible pie pandemic

Thoughts: Written by Josh Hamilton, author of the decent "Triple Threat" and the great "Parental Glideance", this wasn't that popular an episode (Text Review Roundup is all over the place). It's a bit of a throwback: a Pinkie/Rainbow episode, a homespun Ponyville setting, etc. I like Pinkie's characterisation; a little less so Dash's. Applejack in a smallish but fun supporting role. Some funny dialogue and amusing animation details that help cover the thinness of the main story. A decent moral, if not a particularly original one. Although I don't think this is an amazing instalment of Friendship is Magic, I don't agree with one 2017 reviewer that this episode is a "travesty", and in fact I probably admire the old-fashioned feel more now than I did seven years ago. This is a silly episode, but it's fun silly, and I can forgive quite a bit for that. I'm actually going to nudge this up to a low-end three.

Choice quote: Applejack to Pinkie: "You okay? Or are you just screamin' for fun?"

New rating: ★

Next time I'll be looking at "Uncommon Bond", which is the last single-parter of this season. One I quite enjoyed last time, but it was a bit of a mixed bag, if truth be told. We'll see how it fares this time around.

Wednesday 7 August 2024

Ponyfic Roundup 501

Read it Later story count: 93 (-2)

Words read this week: 27,113

After the excitement of last week's milestone, I'm back to a weekly format. With Ghost Mike's well-trailed final weekly Monday Musings, I believe I'm now last one standing when it comes to weekly reviews (as opposed to recommendations) in this game.¹ No pressure, then! Though actually, as I've said before, I would love to see more folks have a go at reviewing. Feedback is magic!
¹ Yeah, I've already said this on Fimfiction – but not here.

A Brush with Pride by abrony-mouse (review requested by author)
Scootaling by GrassAndClouds2
Ragnarok by Pascoite
Daydream at 20,000 Hooves by UnknownError
Radio Ga Ga by Pagemaster

★: 0 | ★★: 1 | ★★★: 3 | ★★★★: 1 | ★★★★★: 0
Note: I use a skewed rating system. A fic I enjoy an average amount scores two stars.

Tuesday 6 August 2024

Sounds of 2014, nos. 40 to 35

Note: I accidentally omitted no. 38 when I first published this. That has now been corrected, as has the numbering. However, that song is included in next week's edition as well so that it gets proper visibility. There are therefore now six songs listed in this post.

Regardless of whether the real world is cheery or not, there's always the magical world of Equestria to retreat to when needed. As such, it's about time I returned to the Equestrian Trot 100 chart for 2014, to see what was shaking the music scene in that now fairly far-off year. As always, a reminder that to be included here songs must meet at least one of these rules:

Rule 1: Still available in the same or (1b) similar form direct from the/an original artist.
Rule 2: Available from a third party, with reason to believe the artist is fine with this.
Rule 3: So famous that it would be plain silly to leave it out.
Rule 4: Being unlisted is not, on its own, grounds for exclusion.

I've been able to feature every song for the last two weeks running. And guess what, music fans? I can do the same once again today! Huzzah!

40: SlyphStorm – Morning Mist
39: 4everfreebrony ft. Feather – Time is an Adventure
38: Glaze – Tough Luck

37: The Living Tombstone – Taking Flight (remix)
36: SlyphStorm – Octavia's Overture (reimagining)
35: Griffinilla & Toastwaffle – Love Letters

As is always the case, beyond the jump break below I'll be embedding YouTube videos of this week's music, together with a few notes of my own.

Monday 5 August 2024

My Little Repeats 166: "Once Upon a Zeppelin"

Cocktails on airboat? Share them with a goat

S7E22: "Once Upon a Zeppelin"

7 Oct 2017

My original rating: ★★★★
IMDb score: 7.7

The one with Elvis's autograph

Thoughts: One of the few times in late FiM when we didn't have a surprise spoilt by leaks. Iron Will's return was not expected! He's a tad too FlimFlamish this time, admittedly. A new writer in Brittany Jo Flores, who followed up this successful debut with S9's... "A Trivial Pursuit". Oh dear. But that's for another day. This ep wasn't part of some big arc, it was just an entertaining slice of airship-bound life. A Twilight-centric episode, something not that common at this point in the show's run, and one with Cadance playing a significant role late on especially. Shining Armor was mostly comic relief. Star Tracker got slightly wearisome, but points for not giving him a crush on Twi. Who I hated seeing so miserable – as I said in 2017, surely someone would have fetched her to see at least some of the Northern Stars display? So a fun episode with a few niggles. I think my four-star rating from before was slightly overdone, but it's still an episode I like. A top-end three feels more like it.

Choice quote: Shining Armor: "No way. How can I be airsick? I'm in the water, so it totally cancels out!"

New rating: ★

Next time, it'll be "Secrets and Pies", which didn't especially inspire me at the time and ended up with a high-end two-star rating. I'm not possessed of massive optimism that it'll fare any better this year, but I will of course give it a shot.

Thursday 1 August 2024

UK PonyCon guest news: Ashleigh Ball to join AJ Bridel in attendance!

We'd known for a while now that the (series) voice of Pipp Petals, AJ Bridel, would be a special guest at UK PonyCon 2024. That in itself was an announcement that was decidedly popular among UKPC's multi-gen base. Then, the day before yesterday, we started getting teasers from the con committee that another major announcement was in the works. Of course, this led to a flurry of wild guessing, but at 7pm all was revealed: Ashleigh Ball will be joining UKPC in Nottingham too!

I don't think anyone much predicted this to happen. I don't have specifics at my hooftips as to whether she's attended any cons in this fandom recently, but I believe Ashleigh Ball has not been a Pony convention regular for quite some years now, since before Covid indeed.¹ Certainly the announcement has brought a lot of excitement, and I'd hope and imagine quite a few more ticket sales as well. I warmly congratulate everyone at UKPC who helped make this possible!
¹ She was at Vanhoover Pony Expo 2023, but they have a fairly major location advantage for VAs!

As for me, I am going to get there this year if I can. I've now bought a ticket, but it remains to be seen how much of the con I can actually attend. Hotel prices have soared since Covid, and with con tickets also rising above inflation as their own costs increase conventions are becoming, if not an unaffordable luxury, certainly one many people have to think harder about than they did five years ago. I may make a post here on this general subject in the nearish future.

But that's for another day. For now, I am still bouncing around like a bouncy thing. Meeting Actual Fluttershy, aka Andrea Libman was basically unbeatable for me, but Ashleigh Ball is one hay of a coup. It means UK PonyCon will have hosted four of the Mane Six's VAs in the last few years, and had Tabitha St. Germain not been defeated by her implacable work schedule last year it could even have been five. Who'd have predicted that five years ago? Certainly not me.

With Applejack's VA joining AJ Bridel (who I'm going to have to tell autocorrect is not "AJ Bridle"!) UKPC this year is quite clearly going to be AJCon! :D