Thursday 18 April 2024

Hoping to post a bit more

Mildly ironic that I'm posting this at a time when I'm not posting more, but that's simply because I am extremely busy this week. You'll have noticed that last week I had a run of seven successive days of posts. That was fun, but in truth is not where I expect to end up – rather somewhere in between, yes. The "Daring Done?" rewatch should be along early next week, and with that, "Sounds of 2014" and Ponyfic Roundup there'll be at least three updates before the following weekend. Hooves crossed!


  1. "The 'Daring Done?' rewatch should be along early next week,"

    You know what you need to do in preparation?

    Walk Like An Egyptian!

    1. Bugger! How do you format URLs into this thing!? That last sentence was supposed to link to this:

    2. Standard HTML a href tags should work, so:

      (a href="")Walk Like An Egyptian!(/a)

      with the ( ) changed for < > obviously.

      Still, I approve of the choice of music!
