Why yes, I am picking this as my header pic because it's adorable |
S3E09: "Spike At Your Service"
Written by Dave Polsky
29 Dec 2012
My original rating: 6/10 (=★★★)
IMDb score: 6.3
The one with 24,567,837 blades of grass
Thoughts: This episode has long been considered a bit of a mess by most of the fandom. And, well, they're right. It is. I mean, it does have its moments: Rainbow Dash's self-insert fanfic is one of my favourite moments of the entirety of S3. Fluttershy also has quite a good episode: right at the start, we see her walking Winona, and later there's her mild sassiness ("If she needed help, I think she'd realise it") and her adorable part in the fake timberwolf setup. Rarity was fun in her all-too-brief "how to be a damsel in distress" masterclass, too. Talking of timberwolves, the real ones are really quite interesting monsters (and variously animated) and they could perhaps have been used a little more in future eps. On the downside, though... Spike's "Dragon Code" both comes from and goes to pretty much nowhere. It stretches credulity to think Twilight wouldn't even notice Spike saying he was off forever. Also, the central story itself feels like a subplot stretched (somewhat thinly) to main plot status. Considering the actual risk to life we see more than once, it's surprisingly emotionally uninvolving for the most part, too. But the worst thing about this episode is the way it treats Spike. He's shown as frankly a bit of a fool. Whatever faults he may have, he really is not that. This wouldn't be my pick as worst episode of FiM, far from it. But it's not a particularly good effort, not even by S3 standards. My review in 2013 was a little too generous; two stars it is now, then.
Choice quote: Spike (to Rarity, natch) : "You even look good when you're chewing!"
New rating: ★★
Next up is "Keep Calm and Flutter On", a considerably more significant episode in retrospect than was immediately apparent at the time. Also an ep that divides opinion to this day.