Thursday 14 October 2021

Hello con crud, my old friend

Just con crud, yes. Got out the box of Covid tests and did the thing. No "haha you're positive" line to be seen, yay. In a weird way I'm almost happy even to get con crud – because it's something normal, something that goes with going to conventions. It's not a terrible hit this time, either, maybe partly because there was a bit more space than in 2019. I am however very tired, to the extent that I haven't even fully unpacked my con stuff yet! Don't worry, though: I am already thinking of what to put in my full UK PonyCon report. It's happening!

Something I mentioned on Twitter but wanted to add here: UKPC 2021 was a really happy convention. Inevitably not every single attendee will have had a perfect experience throughout, and I'm sorry for those who did not. But for me at least, it really did feel happy and in its own way celebratory. Kind of "We're back! Sorry, world, thought you'd stop us ponying? Think again!" That will be reflected in my full con report posts when they do arrive.


  1. Well, today I learned a fun new term. Albeit a term for something that's markedly less fun.

    Sorry you're feeling rough, chap, get well soon.

    1. I'm not actually sure where the term comes from originally. I know it's been used in the furry fandom for a very long time, but whether that's where it started I really don't know.

      And thank you!
