Monday 11 October 2021

Back from BingBongCon

There'll be a proper write-up of UK PonyCon in the near future, but it's around midnight as I type and so you're not getting much now! Still, I imagine some people will be interested in what I thought, so l will say this now: I had a wonderful time. It's hard to compare with other cons because of the strange times we've been living in recently. But this will be a convention I remember with a very large smile on my face. While it wasn't flawless (it had dents and it had quirks) the bad was hugely outweighed by the good, at least from this con-goer's perspective.


  1. Glad you had a good time!

    All this recent talk of Bing Bong has put this "song" in my head on repeat...

    1. Thank you! And I'm impressed -- that wasn't the song I was expecting. :P

    2. NO-ONE expects the etc etc

      I'd have been surprised if you did, but now I'm curious as to what you thought it would be!

    3. I actually thought it would be this Peppa Pig song!
