Thursday 7 January 2016

Friendship is Witchcraft: Horse Women returns at last!

Well, this is a fairly major surprise, at least to me. A couple of years (ish?) after we last heard from the FiW team*, Sherclop Pones is back with the second part of Equestria Girls parody, Horse Women. This episode adds in a bit of The Return of Harmony at the start, whose main benefit is to give us an all-too-brief slice of Sweetie Bot. Then we're off to humanland, where the highlight is probably Rina-chan's perfect Sunset Shimmer. Is it any good? Well, I laughed. Is that a guarantor of quality? Well, no. But again: I laughed.

Don't read the EQD comments. They're YouTube standard. Seriously.

* Well, apart from that reading of FiW episode 10. Dare we hope that might (eventually) become a full-blown episode now?


  1. I'm pretty sure that con script reading was meant to be a reading and not a video. There just seemed to be too many things in the narration that couldn't be produced from show clips.

    1. Oh, sure. My hope was that it would inspire a new episode, not that it would be filmed verbatim.

  2. They did a 10th episode of this? Oh joy...(sorry, I'm not a fan of FiW.)

    1. Nothing wrong with not being a fan. I'm not a Mentally Advanced Series fan, etc. But to answer: they didn't actually do a full episode, just a script for a reading. It's around on YouTube somewhere, though I don't imagine you'll want to watch it anyway.

    2. Oh, I see....I think I remember glimpsing at that.
