Wednesday 20 March 2024

Ponyfic 2,000 (so to speak) – Feeble attempts at hype

I did promise/threaten you all that a post like this would be coming! As you'll know if you've been paying even marginal attention, my next Ponyfic Roundup review will be the two thousandth story I have covered! I'm also going to be publishing it on Tuesday 26th, since that's ten years to the day since PR 1. (For the sake of it, the first fic I wrote about was Capn_Chryssalid's The Best Night Ever.)

Now, I am not the only person who knows the story I am about to name as the 2,000th! Why? Because I revealed it at the last Worcester Shires ponymeet. (Come to Worcester Shires for exclusive ponyfic review revelations!) However, I'm pretty sure the number who already know is in single figures... until now. Are you excited, 'cause I'm excited, I've never been so excited— [Oh, get on with it! —Ed.]

Okay, here goes. The 2,000th Ponyfic Roundup review will be a Spotlight for...

The Silver Standard by PatchworkPoltergeist

Wait, what? Logan's been reading a near-300,000-word fic? About Silver Spoon? Surely some mistake? But no! I was told by several friends that The Silver Standard was really good and easily worth the time investment. I therefore decided that it was time to find out whether I agreed – and what better place to publish my thoughts than in a landmark review? You'll see how it fares in just six days' time!


  1. oh man :O a good choice! I assume! because I have yet to read it myself! D:

  2. Given you'd mentioned you were reading it gradually elsewhere (might have been here, or on your non-pony blog), I'd privately pegged it was this fic once you said the 2000th fic and 10-year anniversary would be a spotlight edition. But whether you started reading it with this in mind, or retooled it once you realised the schedules would align up, it's very fitting. Not just to cover one of the most acclaimed longfics for it, but one that isn't a romance drama or adventure fic, but something tonally closer to the show (if obviously not in character complexity). Stoked for next week, bud!

    1. I definitely mentioned it on our local group's Discord, so probably there. Can't remember whether I said anything anywhere else.

  3. I've only read the first chapter, but I really liked that much of it.

  4. Woo-hoo! Hype has been acquired! Very much looking forward to your spotlight!
