Monday 7 September 2020

More meta stuff

Ponyfic Roundup will be on Friday this week. That's because I've had a rather off few days and so haven't felt in the mood to read. Nothing startling, just another bout of 2020 fatigue. Hopefully it'll sweeten the pill a little if I say that I plan for the final PR of September (30th) to see my first Spotlight review for some considerable time.

This will be Georg's story Drifting Down the Lazy River, which I chose from my shortlist partly because it's a sequel to a fic I've already read, partly because it looked interesting and partly because... well, partly because I wanted to read it. Not sure there's any better reason than that, really! Before then, expect regular PRs on the 16th and 23rd.


  1. It could be a kind of chicken and egg situation, but with everything that's going on out there I feel like I could *really* do with new MLP still being on the air right now...
