Tuesday 10 August 2021

G5 trailer coming this week!

The big news yesterday was that a trailer for A New Generation (as the G5 movie will apparently be known) is on the way this week! It looks as though the trailer will appear on Thursday, so around a month and a half before the film itself appears on 24th September. Excitement!

Now, this is going to take priority on here, of course. That means a little bit of shuffling around of my plans for this week, but then that won't be anything new to regular readers! So, my schedule now reads:

Wednesday: S4E25 rewatch review
Thursday: Ponyfic Roundup
Friday: G5 trailer post
Saturday: S4E26 rewatch review

Four posts in four days – five in five if you include this one! It's been a while since I've done that on here. :)


  1. I'm trying to not be excited... and failing.

    1. I gave up that fight a little while ago. I'm really looking forward to it, with a touch of trepidation of course.

    2. Yeah, I just saw the gorgeous backgrounds and I'm at the, "Please don't screw up the script, Please don't screw up the script..." stage.
