Monday 5 February 2024

Ponyphonic to perform at GalaCon 2024

There aren't many truly big firsts left in the world of My Little Pony conventions, but I think this one qualifies. This year's GalaCon will see the first ever con appearance from none other than Ponyphonic! They of course are behind some of the best known songs in our fandom, from "The Moon Rises" to "Lullaby for a Princess". Even though I won't be going to GalaCon myself, I am delighted for those who are. Very exciting news!


  1. Holy carp! I am of the firm belief that The Moon Rises is the best MLP song ever written! I've never been to a pony con, but this makes GalaCon very tempting! Plus, I've always heard good things about it.

    1. It is a glorious song, though I've "only" heard EileMonty perform it live, not Ponyphonic.
