"Why no, of course we fans didn't take anything here to heart!"
S7E14: "Fame and Misfortune"12 Aug 2017
My original rating: ★★★★
IMDb score: 7.8
The one with stress coutureThoughts: Perhaps the most controversial episode in the show's entire run, mostly for M. A. Larson's unhappiness about what went out with his name on it, but also partly for the way the ponies themelves behave in-ep. The first is a real issue for me. The second? Less so.¹ I do think it's dated a little bit, in that you only get the full impact if you were in at Peak Fandom and recognise some of the specific dramas being poked at,² and those are far less common in today's quieter fandom. It's also arguable that it went back to the "hi there, bronies" well too often, when "Slice of Life" (especially) and "Stranger than Fan Fiction" had already been there. But as someone who was there, do I still find it funny? Yes, and on occasion hilarious. Do I find it mean-spirited towards this fandom? No, not especially. I still feel a few of those jabs were actually needed. I appreciate Starlight being the voice of reason, Toola Roola was a nice surprise, and after growing on me a lot "Flawless" is now one of my favourite songs. The way Larson was treated will always rankle, Spike's unexplained absence is odd and the townsponies being jerks towards the Mane Six for so long is pretty out-of-character for Ponyville – but the episode as it appears on-screen was an entertaining ride in 2017, and for me at least it's still that way today. As I've said, it has dated a little, so it's losing a bit from its score. Not much, though, and it's still a top-end three.
¹ Reading the EqD comments is interesting: a slanted source of course, but most commenters liked the episode in 2017.
² I'm damn sure the mass "Yee-ha!" from the Sweet Apple Admirers is a nudge to the fandom (over)doing "Fun! Fun! Fun!"
Choice quote: Pearly Stitch: "Twilight was better before she had wings!"
New rating: ★★★
time, we'll be back to a slightly less controversial episode – and one with Spike very much present – when "Triple Threat" hoves into view. Join me then!