Monday 6 November 2023

Well enough to start catching up

Covid takes a while to properly loosen its grip, but I think I've reached the point at which I can start to move back towards running this blog in the way I did before. Ponyfic Roundup is pretty much back now, so the next big deal will be going back to episode rewatches. "Forever Filly" is the next one of those, and I'm tentatively planning to watch that on Sunday and have a post up a week today. Also, back on the ponyfic front, I'll be catching up with notifying authors whose fics I've reviewed, since I fell behind on that as well during my illness. Hooves crossed!


  1. Glad to hear it. COVID is a nightmare, and I only had it once. I do not recommend the experience.

    "Forever Filly" is the next one of those,

    I remember this one as being kinda boring ("Sisterhooves Social" feels a loooooooong way off by now), so I hope you have a better time watching it than I did.

    Hooves crossed!

    Some ponyisms create really weird mental images.

    1. I do not recommend it either! Though I was relatively lucky -- there were only two or three days when I was so out of it that I didn't want to read anything. (This is my personal marker of "really, properly ill".) After that, a couple of weeks of reading a little, sleeping, eating a little, sleeping, you get the idea.

      As for "hooves crossed", the disconnect is part of the appeal for me. :D

  2. Glad to hear you're feeling better!
