Read it Later story count: 106 (+7)
Words read this week: 69,046
As I said the last time my RiL count jumped like that: don't panic. I've only read one fic this week, after all. That number will fall again soon – and in any case, my aim for years has been to have it bouncing around 100, not to have it dive much further downwards. With that out of the way, it's time to look at a classic CMC story that's not a million miles away from celebrating a decade of publication. I'd thought about reading this on and off for years, but had never quite got round to it. Now I have!
Three Wishes: The Cutie Mark Crusaders Before They Changed The World by Xepher
Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, CMCs [tagged as well] and Mane Six
G4 AU; Adventure; 69k words; Oct–Nov 2013; Teen
The Crusaders learn that they aren't like other ponies. As they uncover
the secrets of their origins, the trio grow closer than ever,
discovering not only their unique nature, but the incredible power that
comes with it as well.
The fillies are in fact not ponies at all, but golems. Interesting! This is not the big spoiler it may appear, as it's revealed pretty early on and it's how the Crusaders come to terms with their true identities that matters. This is done pretty decently overall but covered in a rather uneven way, with some passages almost shouting how much pacier they'd have been if more toughly edited. Other scenes, especially later in the fic, are faster-paced, exciting, moving and satisfying. A few also contain some interesting and quite original world-building. It is worth the occasional slog to get to these – and also worth enduring Pinkie's crucial part in events, which feels much older than late 2013 in tone and is by far my least favourite aspect but which happily doesn't take up much of the overall word count. So, a slightly rough ride in places, but the boat never actually capsizes. If you're struggling with some of the overlong descriptive passages, I think it's worth pushing through. ★★★
Only continue past the page break if you're okay with significant spoilers.