Thursday 22 September 2022

UK PonyCon music lineup published

Official UKPC tweet here. As I type, the actual running order hasn't yet been made available, which is going to be an issue for some given the possibility of clashes (*cough* Pub Quiz *cough*) but the actual list of artists has. There are five this year, as follows:

  • BassPon3
  • Blackened Blue
  • General Mumble
  • Koa
  • PrinceWhateverer

Two of these musicians have played UKPC before, BassPon3 and the near-omnipresent PrinceWhateverer, so we already know that they can do their thing on a Nottingham stage. General Mumble hasn't performed at this con before, but he's been a fixture for years: I saw him at BUCK 2014, and he wasn't new to the horse music game even then. Since he's married to Koa, it's maybe not surprising that the latter is on the list, but this is nevertheless probably the announcement that's created the biggest stir. Koa is after all a very popular artist. Finally, Blackened Blue, who shades into territory that's a little heavy for my liking but is undoubtedly very good.

From a general point of view, this looks like a great line-up for a Saturday night party. From a personal perspective it's (probably with the exception of Koa, depending on what we get from her) a bit louder and heavier than my own preferences. But hay, we got EileMonty in 2018 and Re:Make in 2019, so I can't be too fussy! Anyway, we now all wait to see what the running order will be, for that is when we can start to agonise properly over any schedule clashes... :P


  1. Yeah, Koa's like, the best pony musician out there, at least in terms of newness.

    1. Also, I don't think Koa has ever played a UK convention before. So quite a coup for UKPC!
