Monday 30 March 2020

Well, that was a whole lot of fuf

The first PonyFest Online! convention was a huge success. I'd originally intended to drop in just briefly, but I ended up spending hours there. I believe they had over 4,000 attendees, which is tremendous. The personnel involved had strong links with existing cons, which really showed. I mean, I loved HAHCon, but PonyFest was definitely on another level of slickness and professionalism. Getting guests like Peter New and Big Jim Miller also demonstrated how useful contacts are.

And guess what? They're doing it all again on 25 April!

("Fuf" came out of one of the riff panels. It was one I missed, but I believe it was a typo in a fanfic. Anyway, everyone ran with it and it became the PonyFest meme.)


  1. Ah! That explains the Bit Rate pic I saw this morning. :D

    (I love Bit Rate, she's the best mascot ever.)

    1. She's definitely right up there in the mascot stakes. :)
