Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Bad Horse's survey and people reading my reviews

Bad Horse has made a follow-up post discussing various aspects of his recent Fimfiction survey. It's long, but worth the read, as are many of the comments below the line. He'll be posting again about other subjects relevant to the survey, so it might be a good idea to keep an eye on his Fimf account if you're interested in this topic.

Here are the results themselves. There's a lot to get your teeth into there, but I'll just mention the "What reviewers/recommenders do you use?" question a little way down. I was very surprised to see myself listed as an option, and in all honesty I'm even more surprised to see that as many as 20 respondents cited me as a source of reviews.

Obviously, this is nowhere near the numbers the major reviewers get: for example, Titanium Dragon was mentioned by 228 people and even the long-completed Pony Fiction Vault by 82. Interestingly, EQD still tops the table with 383, though the Royal Canterlot Library (322) isn't that far behind. Mind you, 855 people said they didn't use recommendations at all...

Nevertheless, even 20 is more than I was expecting. So if you're among them, thank you! As any writer in any field knows, feedback is the thing that we value most, and I'm delighted to hear that there are people out there who find Ponyfic Roundup worth reading. I hope to retain your trust and perhaps even to attract more readers in the future. Thanks again!


  1. Replies
    1. Considering virtually zero advertising, barring the odd post on Twitter, I'm actually quite pleased! :)

  2. Don't forget, that number's going to be quite a bit lower than your actual total readership. With the RCL, for example, it's easy to see that the average FiMFic post we make gets upwards of twice as many views as BH's survey indicated--not everyone who follows a reviewer took the quiz, after all.

    If anything. I'd suspect your numbers would be even further depressed, since your review blog is off-site, and the survey was specifically geared toward the FiMFic population.

    1. That's true -- and so surprises me even more. I really wasn't expecting more than a handful of people to mention me there. Fair point in the second para, too: I imagine you also got this to some extent as another off-Fimf reviewer.

  3. I was pretty happy with my mention too. Probably should actually check the results to see if anyone clicked on the BMRL as a source for reviews.

    1. I know I do, though I didn't go through the procedure to make my answers public so I won't show up there.
