Friday, 12 June 2015

Comic mini-review: Friends Forever #17: Twilight & Big Mac

MLP:FF #17 (Twi/Big Mac) Sub cover

Another mini-review I'm afraid, though that's probably not a surprise given the supply problems I've been talking about. In this issue, Twilight gets inside Big Mac's mind – quite literally. This is a very enjoyable comic, certainly one of the better instalments in this series and a lot better than main-series #30. It's frequently funny, there are some nice touches from Brenda Hickey's art (especially the Sub cover pictured above!) and Ted Anderson gives us a solid storyline that both makes sense and is completely ridiculous. Unless you really detest these characters, this one is a keeper. ★★★★


  1. Looking at the cover and it's hilarious; it looks like it could be promotional art for an episode called "Too Many Big Macs" XD

    1. It could! And that's not a million miles away from the actual plot...

  2. I would really like to see an episode or an issue focusing on Twilight and Apple Bloom. I think they were great together in Season 1 to bad we don't get to see more of it in later seasons.

    1. That's a nice idea; I wouldn't mind that, either. I guess it may happen eventually if the FF series continues to sell in decent numbers. For what it's worth, I'd like to see a Fluttershy/CMC issue (see "Stare Master"), another team-up that's not been used much in recent times.

  3. Recently I've seem to have enjoyed the FF series more than the main comic itself. This issue was a perfect example of that!

    1. You'll be unsurprised to hear that I very, very much hope #18 keeps the quality level high! ;)
