Tuesday 8 August 2023

Happy to see Ghost Mike get a little appreciation

I'm very pleased to see that Pascoite chose Ghost Mike (previously Mike Cartoon Pony) for his latest Underappreciated Author Spotlight. Those who read this blog should already be familiar with Mike's detailed and interesting observations on episodes, and his often fascinating sidenotes on what went on behind the scenes as they were being made. He's also a great asset to our small community of still-active ponyfic reviewers, of course.

But there's also Mike's own fiction: I reviewed his enjoyable The Endeavor Within in PR 440, and like Pascoite I found the characterisation satisfying. He's published a few other short fics, and I intend to get to at least some of those in due course. I would have done so already had I not until recently been iffy about reviewing fics by personal friends. I can certainly vouch for the fact that Mike cares about his stories and puts a lot of work into them.

Well done, Mike. Deserved recognition!


  1. Have I ever said you're a good guy, Logan? I take it back. You're not a good guy. You're one of the best – one of the very best!

    already be familiar with Mike's detailed and interesting observations on episodes, and his often fascinating sidenotes on what went on behind the scenes as they were being made.
    Flattering to be remembered for something I haven't done in over a year (brief check on "The Cart Before the Ponies" excepted), either here or on Fimfiction. I'll take it!

    I can certainly vouch for the fact that Mike cares about his stories and puts a lot of work into them.
    It a good thing I've already verified over-blushing isn't a problem for my kind, or you'd be causing me harm here, buddy!

    As I said on Pascoite's blog, I'm no ambitious writer, and quite far from a regular one. Lot like yourself in many ways – primarily E-rated fics and one-shots, and primarily simple and intimate character pieces. Irregular upload frequency, I gear towards positivity and upbeat material in tone but not afraid to tackle some weightier topics and drama on the path to the happy ending. Major difference is I'm not one of those writers who can force something out on a whim as an experiment or to test my craft, as you've done so on-and-off, and thrice this year – I can only motiviate myself to write when the story latches on and demands to be told. Which is probably why they do feel thoughtful and purposeful (gagfest thousand words contest entry excepted, of course).

    Hopefully that doesn't sound snobbish, and you get what I mean. I don't mind my rare upload speed. Moved past gunning for popularity in circles like this. By now I'm happy to write as a side hobby that's on-and-off, never dormant but never the main focus. The Ponyfic reviews keep my craft from atrophying, at least!

    I would have done so already had I not until recently been iffy about reviewing fics by personal friends.
    Whatever makes you happy, man. I review some of your stories largely because I review everything I read unless I literally can't. So, long as you don't interpret it as any sort of trading to even it all out, but it is something you want to do, then go for it!
