Tuesday 25 July 2023

An awful lot of Thousand Wordses...

With a few days still to go before the submissions deadline, the Thousand Words Contest II has sailed past the hundred-story count. Moreover, it's passed the 105 (I think) that were submitted for last year's event. Impressive stuff! So here's my question: when was the last time, if ever, that a Pony writing contest got this many entries? The Outside Insight Contest in 2014 received 109, so "Thousand Two" is already past that. Anyone?


  1. *laughs nervously in fic reviewer* c_c;

    1. This is why I only review the prize winners! :D

  2. I've definitely seen the minific writeoffs get well over 100. I don't remember what the highest number of entries was, but they cleared 100 several times.

    1. Ooh, the Writeoff. Good shout, though I don't know either. I could have specified Fimfiction-based, but that would have excluded Outside Insight which was organised via EQD.
