Read it Later story count: 94 (+2)
Words read this week: 56,037
I've touched on before, I'm off on holiday in a few days' time, and that will mean a
week without a Ponyfic Roundup. Here's a Spotlight for you before I
leave. It's a pretty old story, and one which I don't think I've even
heard anyone mention for many years now. It got 15,000 views in total,
though, and made the Pony Fiction Vault, so I can't be the only person who's read the thing! Let's see how
it goes...
The Party Hasn't Ended by butterscotchsundae
Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Lyra, Bon-Bon, Big Mac and Caramel
G4; Romance/Dark/Adventure/Comedy/Sad; 56k words; Jan 2012*; Teen
Pinkie's unrequited love for Dash precipitates an adventure across time, space and dreams.
genre tags? You can't do that any more! You could in 2012, though – and in fact this story wasn't new then, *first appearing on EqD in April 2011! In
essence, though, this is a PinkieDash shipfic, which ends predictably. With a lot, and I mean a lot of other shipping. Good thing: bar rather too much POV-jumping, it's pretty easy reading. The prose doesn't stand out especially, but nor does it do so for bad reasons. It slides past smoothly most of the time. Bad thing: it feels very clichéd. That's a bit unfair: the story is so old that it more or less pioneered some ponyfic clichés. Even worse thing: a blatant reference to another fanfic that has no business here at all. Another bad thing: a terrible last few pages which for me ruin the otherwise generally okay tone of the story. So no, I haven't dug up some long-buried gem. It's far from the worst shipfic I've read, but unless you're really into both PinkieDash and oldfics, there's probably not much for you here. Two, and not that high in the band either. ★★
There will be big spoilers beyond this point, so proceed at your own risk.