I mean, it looks more in keeping than the real one...
S7E21: "Marks and Recreation"
30 Sep 2017
My original rating: ★★★ ("just")
IMDb score: 7.3
The one with haikuThoughts: The second of May Chan's two series writing credits, this is a bit more interesting than "Not Asking for Trouble" was. It isn't amazing, though, and it suffers from late-era FiM's confusion about how cutie marks actually work. The CMC, now marked, using "blank flanks" as a neutral term still seems mildly off, too. I do quite appreciate the use of Rumble as a central character, even if his older brother Thunderlane is less interesting. (This makes me wonder why nopony mentions Rainbow's status – in a Scootaloo-heavy episode, at that.) The song is pretty well done, and it's in a pleasingly different style to most MLP music. The assorted foals were fairly nicely chosen, with talents such as, er, painting circles, though Pip is a bit irritating.¹ I see from my old review that I noted Diamond Tiara's continuing absence. That one never stops grating, Hasbro. In the end, "Marks and Recreation" has some nice parts (Sweetie's annoyance with Rumble is another) but they don't quite gel together into a coherent whole. As such, a slight downgrade to a top-end two. Still not too bad for a clear filler episode.
¹ No actual British person in all of history has said, "You're cracking great," I suspect.
Choice quote: Apple Bloom: "Granny always says, some ponies have to find their own hay."
New rating: ★★
The next "My Little Repeats" won't be an episode at all! Instead, it will at long last be my rewatch of the G4 movie. I give fair warning that it may take a few weeks for me to have the time to do this one, not least because of my forthcoming hospital appointment – but fret not, it will be coming when I've managed that. I enjoyed it rather a lot in 2017, despite some grumbles (and yes, Mike, I absolutely will be mentioning Fluttershy! ;) ) and so I hope that will be the case again.