Friday 14 June 2024

Meet my fellow reviewers!

PaulAsaran has started including a little section at the bottom of his fortnightly review blogs (see below) in which he links to several other active ponyfic reviewers. He doesn't just link to their profile pages, either, but directly to their most recent reviews. I think this is a great idea and I keep thinking I should copy it, but as ever I tend to forget. So I'll do it here!

abrony-mouse: Random Recommendations in <50 words #19 (irregular)

Ghost Mike: Ghost Mike's Ponyfic Monday Musings #117 (weekly)

PaulAsaran: Paul's Thursday Reviews CCCLIX (fortnightly)

PresentPerfect: Fic recs, June 2nd! (irregular)

TCC56: It is Recommendsday, My Dudes #168 (weekly)

Have I missed anyone? Let me know and I'll include them! I'm after frequent ponyfic reviewers here, not people who occasionally make a blog telling everyone they liked a specific story.


  1. Yay :) I noticed that, and was flattered to be included! I found the other reviewers through one of your reviews of the same fic :P (which I had come across through Paul Asaran's dailies...).

    1. I keep forgetting to remind Paul that "Louder Yay" doesn't have an exclamation mark on the end, but it's just not important enough to make a special PM for. I'll try to remember it for his next blog.

  2. Ooo, more people to follow, nice!
