Thursday 16 May 2024

Quick note to the person who uses "aftermath" a lot in their comments

You're welcome to comment, of course, but I do ask that people who use the "Anonymous" option when commenting provide some sort of a name to use so I can keep track of who commented what and don't reply to a completely different person using "Anonymous" – there is more than one. Just putting something like "--Logan" (using your name instead) in plain text at the bottom of your comment is totally fine.

 You don't have to use your real name, it's absolutely fine to use a pseudonym if you want, but I'm not going to respond to someone who comments without any kind of name at all. Thanks! :)


  1. Or they could just like...

    Write their own stories. c_c They clearly have a lot of ideas, but the show is over! Speaking your wishes to the ether in hopes they're fulfilled won't accomplish anything! That's what fanfiction is for!

    1. Oh sure, more ponyfic authors are always welcome!

  2. Huh. I don't think I've noticed this person before.

    1. that's because you don't get a real-time feed of all the comments on this blog! :D

  3. I apologize. Just trying to get an idea.

    1. The point is that I only see "Anonymous". Multiple people use that commenting option, and I really need to be able to tell them apart. As such, please include a name (as I said, a made-up one is fine) at the bottom of each comment. Otherwise I can't tell whether you're the same Anonymous as another Anonymous on the same post. (It's happened!)

  4. I didn't mean to do that. I was just trying to give out ideas. I just want to give Hasbro an idea. Sign mysterdude22.

    1. Hasbro does not read this site, of that I am certain!

      And mysterydude22 is fine. Please remember to sign *every* comment that way though, not just some of them! :)

    2. Okay. I get. We should ask Lauren Faust about the idea or something. I made a vow not to do it again.

    3. You didn't sign that comment either. Look, many blogs like this ban anonymous commenting altogether. For various reasons I don't want to do that. But you *need* to start putting your name (as I said, mysterydude22 is fine) at the end of your comments. Every single one, every single time.

      And please stop assuming we all have connections with Lauren Faust etc. We don't.

    4. Sorry about that. I promise. Signed mysterydude22.

  5. It won't happen again. I promise. The episodes are good.

  6. Okay. No more aftermaths.

  7. All Episodes are good and awesome. Sign mysterydude22

  8. Look. I made a promise.
