Wednesday 18 October 2017

Text Review Roundup: "Once Upon a Zeppelin"

There'll be no Ponyfic Roundup for a week or two owing to the imminence of UK PonyCon, but I'll at least try not to get too far behind with TRR. This time around, the episode was well received, with nobody at all giving it an outright negative rating and several reviewers rating it highly.

ArthurCrane – mildly positive ("a perfectly serviceable episode")

Batbrony Reviews – very positive ("while not a flawless episode, this was still a very exceptional Season 7 episode")

Cuddlepug – no review at time of writing

Derpy News – very positive (graded A; "a very enjoyable episode")

Louder Yay – very positive (4/5; "about as good as filler gets, and it's definitely an episode that I enjoyed greatly")

MLEEP Reviews – wildly positive (10/10; "such a heartwarming episode")

Pony Press News Journal – no text-based review for this episode

The Super Mario Brony Blog – mildly positive (3.5/5; " I just wish [Twi's family] could've been done more interestingly ... impressive visuals ... moral comes off as a good one ... reasonably good")

TheDragonWarlock – positive (graded A-; "it feels like Twilight was forced through the wringer [but] it's still a great episode with a good moral")

Thrond Media Pony Corner – very positive (88%; "a last-minute delight which combines the two things season 7 excels at: new family characters and Twilight Sparkle")


  1. One thing I don't understand: why in S6 they didn't do any Twilight centered episode? I don't know if you noticed Logan, but excluding Top Bolt (which wasn't a pure 100% Twilight episode) she didn't got ONE. SINGLE. EPISODE. In that season. In S7 she got 4 ones (Celestial Advice, A Flurry of Emotions, Fame and Misfortune and Once upon a Zeppelin). 5 if we also count... SPOILERS. In any case, I found very odd that in S6 Twilight got such a "unrespectful" treatment (sorry if the term could sound offensive but I couldn't find a better one to say it. You got the idea anyway) while in S7 they came back at the standard routine. Then again, the S6 was messy in multiple ways, I shouldn't be surprised...

    1. It goes up and down for every pony. As long as they balance out over time, I don't worry too much about it. Please remember I quite like S6, though -- you're entitled to your opinion, but not everyone shares it!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Sorry if I sounded rude. Wasn't my intention sir.

    4. Don't worry, you're fine. :)

  2. Well, Cuddlepug's review's now up...

    1. Errr... I think I'll use my editorial discretion here and deem that not to be a real review! (Even though he does grade the ep A+.)

  3. I apologize for that.

    1. I have no idea who you are (you just show as "Anonymous") and without a name, apologies are pretty pointless. I have no clue why you're apologising! :P

  4. Mysterydude22. Look. I didn't mean it.
